Colloques / Conferences
Cette cérémonie d’ouverture du LIA Laboratoire Sociologies post-occidentales et Sciences de terrain en Chine et en France fait suite à la cérémonie d’ouverture chinoise qui a eu lieu à Pekin le 9 novembre 2013. Elle se déroulera sur 2 jours à l’ENS de Lyon, sous la forme de 2 colloques internationaux.
- 23 janvier 2014 / 2014 January 23th : Traditions, controverses et trajectoires des sociologies française et chinoise (partie 2) / Traditions, controversies and trajectories of sociologies in France and in China (2)
- 24 janvier 2014 / 2014 January 24th : Incertitudes, conflit social et mobilisations en France et en Chine / Uncertainties, Social Conflict and Mobilizations in China and in Europe
Organisateurs / Organizers
- Triangle, CNRS, ENS de Lyon
- Institute of Sociology, CASS, with Shanghai University, Peking University and Nanjing University
Inscriptions / Registration
Présentation / Presentation
Programme / Program
2014 January 23rd : Traditions, controversies and trajectories of sociologies in France and in China (2)
Voir la présentation de la 1ère partie de ce colloque, qui a eu lien le 9 novembre à Pekin / Part 1 took place in China on November, the 9th.
- Pascal Marty, INSHS/CNRS, Directeur-Scientifique Adjoint Europe et International
- Jacques Samarut, ENS Lyon President,
- Chen Guangjin, Director of the Institute of Sociology, CASS (Peking)
- Renaud Payre, Director of Triangle
Discussant : Michel Kokoreff, Professeur à l’Université Paris 8, Directeur de GTM
- 9h45-10h15 : Laurence Roulleau-Berger, Research Director at CNRS, Triangle, ENS de Lyon : Post-Western Sociologies and Methodological Cosmopolitism
- 10h15-10h45: : Xie Lizhong, Professor and Dean of the Department of Sociology, Peking University : Post-Sociology and Classical Sociology : Ruptures and Continuities
- 10h45- 11h15 : discussion
Discussant : Stéphane Dufoix, Assistant Professor HDR, Nanterre University, Director of Sophiapol, HDR à l’Université de Nanterre
- 11h15- 11h45 : Shen Yuan, Professor of sociology, Dean of the department of Socioloy, Tsinghua University : Chinese Public Sociology
- 11h45-12h15 : Luc Boltanski, Research Director at EHESS, Emeritus, Paris : Critical Sociology and Sociology of Critic
- 12h15-13h : Discussion
13h-14h30 : lunch
Discussant : Frédéric Le Marcis, Professor of Anthropology, ENS Lyon, Triangle
- 14h30-15h : Chen Guangjin, Professor of sociology, Director of Institute of Sociology, CASS : Chinese society- Change and transformation
- 15h-15h30 : Ahmed Boubeker, Professor of Sociology, Saint-Etienne University, Max Weber Center : Post-Colonial Ruptures and new boundaries of French society
- 15h30- 16h15 : discussion
16h15-16h30 : break
Discussant : Christine Détrez, Associate Professor in Sociology, HDR, ENS Lyon, Centre Max Weber
- 16h30-17h : Zhou Xiaohong, Professor in sociology and social psychology, Dean of the School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Nanjing University : Chinese Feeling : Social Mentality in a Transformation Society
- 17H-17h-h30 : Bernard Lahire, Professor of Sociology, ENS, Max Weber Center : Social differenciation and dispositional plurality
- 17h30-18h15 : General discussion
2014 January 24th : Uncertainties, Social Conflict and Mobilizations in China and in Europe
Voir l’Argumentaire / More details on this conference.
- 9h-9h15 : Introduction by Laurence Roulleau-Berger : Uncertainties, social conflict and mobilizations in China and in France
Session 1 : Multiples Inequalities and Action in Uncertain Contexts
Discussants : by Xie Lizhong, Professor and Dean of the Department of Sociology, Peking University
- 9h15-9h45 : François Dubet, Professor at Bordeaux II University, Director of Studies in the School of High Studies on Social Sciences (EHESS) : Dominations, Injustices and Action
- 9h45-10h15 : Yang Yiyin, Professor and Director of the department of social Psychology, Institute of Sociology, CASS : Risk, confiance’s crisis and individuation in China
10h45-11h : break
Session 2 : Cities, tensions and urban recomposition
Discussants : Zhou Xiaohong, Professor in sociology and social psychology, Dean of the School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Nanjing University and Samuel Lézé, Associate Professor of Social anthropology, ENS Lyon, Deputee Director of the human sciences department
- 11h-11h30 : Liu Yuzhao, Professor of Sociology Shanghai University
School of Sociology and Political Science : Migrants and segregation in Chinese Cities - 11h30-12h : Agnès Deboulet, Professor of Sociology, University Paris 8 : Global cities, inequalities and urban democracy
- 12h-12h30 : Samadia Sadouni, Associate Professor of Sociology and Political Science : Uncertainties and Muslim Solidarity in Johannesburg
- 12h30-13h : Discussion
13h-14h30 : lunch
Session 3 : Work, inequalities and mobilizations
Introduction and discussion by Chen Guangjin, Professor of sociology, Director of Institute of Sociology, CASS
- 14h30-15h : Liu Neng, Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology, Peking University : Workers, inequalities and collective action in China
- 15h-15h30 : Djaouida Séhili, Associate Professor of sociology, University Lyon 2 : Gender and ethnic discriminations on labor markets
- 15h30-16h : Sophie Béroud, Associate Professor of Sociology and Political Science, University Lyon 2 : Workers, conflicts and mobilizations in Europe
- 16h-16h30 : discussion
16h30-16h45 : break
- 16h45-18h : Conclusion : About LIA’s scientific perspectives
by Laurence Roulleau-Berger, Chen Guangjin, Shen Yuan and Zhou Xiaohong