Handbook of post-Western sociology : from East Asia to Europe
« Beyond hegemonic thoughts, the Post-Western sociology enables a new dialogue between East Asia (China, Japan, Korea) and Europe on common and local knowledge to consider theoretical continuities and discontinuities, to develop transnational methodological spaces, and co-produce creolized concepts. With this new paradigm in social sciences we introduce the multiplication of epistemic autonomies vis-à-vis Western hegemony and new theoretical assemblages between East-Asia and European sociologies. From this ecology of knowledge this groundbreaking contribution is to coproduce a post-Western space in a cross-pollination process where “Western” and “non-Western” knowledge do interact, articulated through cosmovisions, as well as to coproduce transnational fieldwork practices. » (Brill)
Auteur(s) / Autrice(s) du labo
- Laurence Roulleau-Berger : Directrice de recherche émérite au CNRS - Sociologue - Directrice de l’IAL "Post-Western Sociology in Europe and in China"