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Rebeca Gomez Betancourt participe au séminaire de l’Economic Society of Australia - Western Australia - Women in Economics Network (ESA-WA-WEN)

9 avril 2024, à Perth, Australie


Rebeca Gomez Betancourt, professeure de sciences économiques à l’Université Lumière Lyon 2, membre de Triangle, interviendra sur l’histoire de l’économie féministe.

Voici le résumé de sa présentation :

What is feminist economics ? What battles feminist economists have fought ? Feminist economics was produced by the deployment of relatively diverse research under a single academic label. This presentation offers a global picture of the first years of feminist economics. Focusing on the heterogeneity of the approaches that coexist in the field—and the porosity among them—we propose an answer to the question, How does feminist economics persist as an approach and a community even though both are quite diverse ? We identified different elements to understand how feminist economists coexist under the same umbrella. Feminist economists’ common frustration about economics’ resistance to including feminist perspectives is central.

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