Colloque international / International Conference « Post-Western Sociology. From East Asia to Europe »
12 décembre 2023 : 09h00 - 13 décembre 2023 : 18h15
à l’ENS de Lyon, site Descartes, amphi Descartes
This conference is organized to celebrate and debate around the publication in March 2023 of Laurence Roulleau-Berger, Li Peilin, Kim Seung Kuk, ShujiroYazawa (eds) Handbook of Post- Western Sociology. From East Asia to Europe, Brill Publishers. This event aims to become a touchstone in a larger and international debate on what makes a global sociology, it will close a period of intense scientific cooperation and intellectual exchange on non-hegemonic sociology.
Indeed from 2006 onwards with Professor Li Peilin and sociologists from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the Beijing University (Beijing), the Tsinghua University (Beijing) and the Renmin University of China (Beijing) we all started drawing the outlines together of a dialogical space between Chinese and European sociology. This intense collaboration has been developing concepts on the de-Westernization of social sciences, with the epistemological objective to go beyond the East/West dichotomies and binary thought.
Since 2012, after the realization of different research programs, we decided to set up a scientific program to co-produce a Post-Western sociology in order to open a dialogue “ à parts égales” sharing theories and theories located in both China and Europe. The CNRS and the ENS of Lyon played a key role in opening a space for scientific collaboration with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the Universities of Beijing, Shanghai and Nanjing, especially with the creation in 2013 of the International Associated Laboratory Post-Western Sociology in Europe and in China. We created an epistemological and multi-situated space where the circulation of concepts and theories prevents dichotomies between Western and non-Western knowledge.The Ecole Normale Supérieure of Lyon and the CNRS Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences strongly supported this IAL, convinced that it would have an international impact.
Then, throughout our aim to better define the proper epistemological meaning of post-Western sociology in recent years, we have invited some international sociologists with a wealth of experience studying non-hegemonic sociologies to join us, including Professors Shujiro Yasawa, Dai Nomiya and Yoshiyuki Yama from Japan ; Professors Kim Seung-Kuk, Chang Kyung-Sup, Han Sang-Jin and Shim Young-Hee from South Korea ; Professor Svetla Koleva from Bulgaria ; Professor Sari Hanafi from Lebanon.
For over three decades, Western hegemonies received criticism from non-Western and Westernized intellectuals living and working in the heart of the West. A considerable portion of post-colonial critique came from universities in the North. The “Westernization” and “de- Westernization” of knowledge have often gone hand in hand in showing that weapons against Western domination were manufactured in the Western empire. The political decline of colonial empires failed to recognize knowledge developed outside the “imperial” borders.
In this conference , we would like to offer a glimpse beyond the “East” and the “West” by opening the horizons to a wealth of self-directed narratives by societies worldwide, thus laying 3 the foundations for a Post-Western space. This is a place where “Western” and “non-Western” sociologies can intersect and interact, forming shared divergent understandings of a myriad of ethnoscapes. Since more than 15 years now, we have produced a Post-Western Sociology to enable a dialogue on common concepts and concepts situated in European, Chinese, Japanese and Korean theories, to consider the modes of creation of continuities and discontinuities, the conjunctions and disjunctions between knowledge spaces situated in different social contexts, to work on the gaps between them.
From the production of epistemologies of the Souths and the re-easternization of the westernized East we will introduce the idea of the demultiplication, the complexification and the hierarchization of new epistemic autonomies vis-à-vis Western hegemonies in sociology and the new epistemic assemblages between European and Asian sociologies. In fact, epistemic autonomies become plural and diversify, even hierarchize among themselves, without this dynamic of recomposition of the geographies of knowledge in the social sciences being really perceived on the side of the Western worlds.
In this conference we will discuss different definitions of Post-Western Sociology, improve the post-Western theory, aiming to produce an ecology of knowledge, co-produce a Post- Western Space in a cross-pollinization process. The growth of sociology with different characteristics in different countries is the basis for the formation of global sociology as a post -Western sociology. The new debates mean that sociologists in non Western countries are consciously thinking about how global sociology, as a post-Western sociology, has been formed.
In the post-Western sociology doing with or doing together looks still central in the fabric of sociological knowledge when taking into account alternative political economy of knowledge. In order to move forward in the production of the paradigm of post-Western sociology, we have to share more common and local knowledge by producing crossed sociological perspectives on common topics, by doing fieldwork in Europe and Asia, by comparing our ways of conducting quantitative and qualitative research in different research programs. In this conference we will open new theoretical and methodological spaces to promote hybridization and creolization of sociological knowledge in non-hegemonic ways.
- Roulleau-Berger, Laurence. 2016. Post-Western Revolution in Sociology. From China to Europe. Leiden and Boston : Brill Publishers.
- Roulleau-Berger, Laurence, and Li, Peilin, eds. 2018. Post-western sociology—From China to Europe. London and New York : Routledge.
- Xie, Lizhong, and Roulleau-Berger, Laurence, eds. 2017. Construction of sociological knowledge : An exploration of post Western Sociology (in Chinese). Beijing : Press of Beijing University.
- Roulleau-Berger, Laurence, Li Peilin, Kim Seung Kuk, Yazawa Shujiro, eds. 2023. Handbook of Post-Western Sociology. From East Asia to Europe. Leiden and Boston : Brill Publishers.
9:00 am-9:30 am : Opening Ceremony by
- Christine Détrez, Vice-President of Research at Ecole Normale Supérieure of Lyon, Professor of sociology at ENS Lyon, Director of Centre Max Weber.
- Laurence Roulleau-Berger, Research Director Emeritus at CNRS, French Director of International Advanced Laboratory (IAL) ENS Lyon/Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Post-Western Sociology in Europe and in China, Triangle
- Yang Dian, Professor and Deputy Director at Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Chair : Svetla Koleva, Research Director at the Institute of philosophy and sociology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia.
Discussant : Lu Peng, Professor at Institute of sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing.
- 9:30 am -10:00 am : Laurence Roulleau-Berger, Research Director Emeritus at CNRS, French Director of the (IAL) Post-Western Sociology in Europe and in China, Triangle, ENS Lyon : The invention of the Post-Western Sociology. From East Asia to Europe.
- 10:00 am-10:30 am : Li Peilin, Chair Professor of sociology at University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Academic member and director of law, social and political division of CASS, Chinese Director of the IAL ENS Lyon/Académie des Sciences Sociales de Chine Post-Western Sociology in Europe and in China : The proposal and Development of Post-Western Sociology(presentation by Yang Dian)
- 10:30 am-11:00 am : Kim Seung Kuk, Professor Emeritus of Pusan National University and guest professor of Jilin University : A New Sociological Paradigm from East Asian Wisdom (online)
- 11:00 am-11:30 am : Shujiro Yazawa, Emeritus Professor of Hitotsubashi University and Seijo University, Tokyo, ex-president of Japan Sociological Society, President of East Asian Sociological Association : Post-Western Sociology as a method.
- 11:30 am- 12:00 am : Sari Hanafi, Professor of Sociology, Director of Center for Arab and Middle Eastern Studies and Chair of the Islamic Studies program at the American University of Beirut, Former President of the International Sociological Association : Post-Western Sociology toward dialogical sociology.
12:00-12:45 am : discussion
12:45 am- 2:15 pm : lunch
Chair : Takeshi Deguchi, Professor of Sociology at the University of Tokyo.
Discussant : Xiang Jinglin, Associate Professor at Institute of sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing.
- 2:15 pm-2:35 pm : Cheng Boqing, Professor and Dean of School of Social and Behavioral Sciences at Nanjing University : Hope and Paradox in Contemporary Chinese Society:A moment of cultural transformation ?
- 2:35 pm- 2:55 pm : Takashi Okumura, Professor of Sociology at Kwansei Gakuin University : Wanderers and the Settled : Perspectives of Kunio Yanagita and Kazuko Tsurumi on Social Change
- 2:55 am-3:15 am : Svetla Koleva, Research Director at the Institute of philosophy and sociology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia : Living Together in Times of Rising Nationalisms : from Hegemonic to Post-Western Sociology
- 3:15 pm-3:35 pm : Agnès Deboulet, Professor at the University Paris 8, Lavue/CNRS : Compressed urbanization and planning-associated risks
3:35 pm- 4:15 pm : discussion
4:15 pm-4:30 pm : break
Chair : Takashi Okumura, Professor of sociology at Kwansei Gakuin University
Discussant : Samir Hadj Belgacem, Associate Professor of Sociology, University Jean Monnet, Centre Max Weber
- 4:30 pm- 4:50 pm :Agnès Van Zanten, Senior Research Professor at French National Center for Scientific Research, OSC, Sciences Po, Paris : Education-based social mobility in market-oriented societies
- 4:50 pm-5:10 pm : Yang Dian, Professor and Deputy Director at Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences : Institutional Investors and the Rise of Financial Capitalism : A Sociological Analysis
- 5:10 pm-5:30 pm : Louis Chauvel, Professor of Sociology and Population Studies (University of Luxembourg), Head of the Institute for Research on Socio-Economic Inequality (IRSEI) : Squeezing the Western middle class, precarization and destabilization of the social order
5:30 pm -6:15 pm :discussion
Chair : Agnès Deboulet, Professor at the University Paris 8, Lavue/CNRS
Discussant : Gong Shun, Assistant Professor at Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
- 8:45 am-9:05 am : Hideki Tarumoto, Professor of sociology at the Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences, Waseda University, Japan : Towards the Establishment of Post-Western Sociology of Migration
- 9:05 am- 9:25 am : Ahmed Boubeker, Professor of sociology, University Jean Monnet, Centre Max Weber : The borders of ethnicity words
- 9:25 am-9:45 am : Hyun-Chin Lim, Professor Emeritus of Sociology, Seoul National University : Towards Post-Western Sociology : A Case of Hallyu(K-Wave) in Theory-Building in Korean Studies (online).
- 9:45 am-10:05 am : Béatrice Zani, Researcher at CNRS, Lise/Cnam : Towards a global sociology of mobilities : Migrant seafarers’ global work, digital economies, and supply chains across Asia
- 10:05 am-10:20 am : break
- 10:20 am-10:40 am : Vincenzo Ciccelli, Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Paris, HDR, researcher at Ceped (University of Paris/IRD) and Sylvie Octobre, HDR in sociology, Research fellow at the Ministry of Culture (Deps-Doc), researcher at the Max Weber Centre : Entertainment Capitalism as the Ultimate Stage of Aesthetic Capitalism : the Example of Hallyu
- 10:40 am-11:00 am : Wonho Jang, Professor of Sociology at the Department of Urban Sociology, University of Seoul : Female Universalism as a New Theoretical Concept for Hallyu Studies (online).
11:00 am-11:45 am : discussion
12:00 am-1:45 pm : lunch
Chair : Jérémy Jammes, Professor of Anthropology and Asian Studies, Science Po Lyon, Lyon Institute of East Asia Studies.
Discussant : Fu Wei, Associate Professor at Institute of sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing.
- 1:45 pm -2:05 pm :Paul Jobin, Associate Research Fellow at the Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan : The Post-Western Anthropocene (online)
- 2:05 pm-2:25 pm : Miwako Hosoda, Professor of sociology at Seisa University :
East-West Dialogue for Global Health Care Challenges in the Era of COVID-19 and Beyond - 2:25 pm-2:45 pm : Zhu Di, Professor, Institute of sociology, Chinese Academy of social sciences : Promotion of green and low-carbon lifestyle : from the perspective of social governance, social innovation and social Cultural construction
- 2:45 pm-3:05 pm : Frédéric Le Marcis, Professor of Social Anthropology at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, Triangle and visiting research director at IRD UMI 233 : Preparedness and long duration of virological experiments in Guinea
3:05 pm-3:45 pm : discussion
3:45 pm-4:00 pm : break
Chair : Yang Dian, Professor and Deputy Director at Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
Discussant : Agnès Van Zanten, Senior Research Professor at French National Center for Scientific Research, OSC, Sciences Po, Paris.
- 4:00 pm-4:20 pm :Ji Yingchun, Professor of Sociology at School of Sociology and Political Science at Shanghai University : Mosaic familialism and emotions : the case of the modern arranged marriage in Shanghai.
- 4:20 pm -4:40 pm : Takeshi Deguchi, Professor of Sociology at the University of Tokyo. : Development of Critical Theory Based on the Analysis of Literary Works on Tenderness : Habermas’s Thesis and Akira Kurihara’s Work
- 4:40 pm- 5:30 pm : discussion
- 5:30 pm-6:00 pm : Conclusion by Sari Hanafi, , Laurence Roulleau-Berger, Shujiro Yazawa
Host organizer
Triangle, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon
with the Lyon Institute of East Asian Studies and the Centre Max Weber
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing
French Embassy in China and French Institute of China
- Boubeker Ahmed, Professor of sociology, University Jean Monnet, Saint-Etienne, Centre Max Weber.
- Chauvel Louis, Professor of Sociology and Population Studies (University of Luxembourg), Head of the Institute for Research on Socio-Economic Inequality (IRSEI).
- Cheng Boqing, Professor and Dean of School of Social and Behavioral Sciences at Nanjing University.
- Cicelli Vincenzo, Associate Professor at the University of Paris, HDR in sociology, researcher at Ceped (University of Paris/IRD) and lecturer at Sciences Po.
- Deboulet Agnès, Professor at the University Paris 8, LAVUE/CNRS.
- Deguchi Takeshi, Professor of Sociology at the University of Tokyo.
- Détrez Christine, Professor of sociology at ENS Lyon, Director of Centre Max Weber, Vice-President of Research ENS Lyon
- Hanafi Sari, Professor of Sociology, Director of Center for Arab and Middle Eastern Studies and Chair of the Islamic Studies program at the American University of Beirut, Former President of the International Sociological Association.
- Hosoda Miwako, Professor of Sociology of Seisa University.
- Jammes Jérémy, Professor of Anthropology and Asian Studies, Science Po Lyon,Lyon Institute of East Asian Studies..
- Jang Wonho, Professor of Sociology, Department of Urban Sociology, University of Seoul
- Ji Yingchun, Professor of sociology of School of Sociology and Political Science at Shanghai University.
- Jobin Paul, Associate Research Fellow at the Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan.
- Kim Seung Kuk, Professor Emeritus of Pusan National University and Guest Professor of Jilin University
- Koleva Svetla, Research Director at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology , Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
- Le Marcis Frédéric, Professor of Social Anthropology at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, Triangle and visiting research director at IRD UMI 233.
- Li Peilin, Chair Professor of sociology at University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Academic member and director of law, social and political division of CASS, Chinese Director of International Advanced Laboratory (IAL) ENS Lyon/Académie des Sciences Sociales de Chine Post-Western Sociology in Europe and in China
- Lim Hyun-Chin, Professor Emeritus of Sociology and Director of Civil Society Programs, Asia Center, Seoul National University, member of the National Academy of Sciences, Republic of Korea.
- Octobre Sylvie, Research fellow at the Ministry of Culture (Deps-Doc), HDR in sociology, researcher at the Max Weber Centre and lecturer at Sciences Po.
- Okumura Takashi, Professor of Sociology at Kwansei Gakuin University.
- Roulleau-Berger Laurence, Research Director Emeritus at French National Center for Scientific CNRS), French Director of International Advanced Laboratory (IAL) ENS Lyon/Académie des Sciences Sociales de Chine Post-Western Sociology in Europe and in China, Triangle, ENS Lyon.
- Tarumoto Hideki, Professor of Sociology at the Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences, Waseda University, Japan.
- Van Zanten Agnès, Senior Research Professor at French National Center for Scientific Research, OSC, Sciences Po, Paris.
- Yang Dian, Professor of Sociology, Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS)
- Yazawa Shujiro, Emeritus Professor of Sociology, Hitotsubashi University and Seijo University, Tokyo, ex-president of Japan Sociological Society, President of East Asian Sociological Association
- Zani Béatrice, Researcher at CNRS, LISE/CNAM, Paris.
- Zhu Di, Professor of sociology, Institute of sociology, Chinese Academy of social sciences.
Scientific Committee
- Roulleau-Berger Laurence, Research Director Emeritus at French National Center for Scientific, Research French Director of International Advanced Laboratory (IAL) ENS Lyon/Académie des Sciences Sociales de Chine Post-Western Sociology in Europe and in China, Triangle.
- Barrier Julien, Associate Professor of sociology, ENS of Lyon, Triangle.
- Détrez Christine, Professor of sociology, ENS Lyon, Director of Centre Max Weber, Vice-President of Research at ENS Lyon.
- Hanafi Sari is currently a Professor of Sociology, Director of Center for Arab and Middle Eastern Studies and Chair of the Islamic Studies program at the American University of Beirut, Former President of the International Sociological Association.
- Jammes Jérémy, Professor of Anthropology and Asian Studies , IEP Lyon, Lyon Institute of East Asian Studies.
- Kim Seung Kuk Professor Emeritus of Pusan National University and Guest Professor at Jilin University
- Koleva Svetla, Research Director at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
- Li Peilin, Chair Professor of Sociology at University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Academic member and director of law, social and political division of CASS, Chinese Director of International Advanced Laboratory (IAL) ENS Lyon/Académie des Sciences Sociales de Chine Post-Western Sociology in Europe and in China
- Van Zanten Agnès, Senior Research Professor at French National Center for Scientific Research, OSC, Sciences Po, Paris.
- Yazawa Shujiro Emeritus Professor of Hitotsubashi University and Seijo University, Tokyo, former President of Japan Sociological Society, President of East Asian Sociological Association.
Steering Committee
- Manoury Pierre, Ph D Student of sociology, Lyon 2/Renmin University,Triangle
- Li Meng, Ph D Student in sociology, ECNU/ENS de Lyon, Triangle
- Li Run, Ph D Student in sociology, ECNU/ENS de Lyon, Triangle
- Liu Yuting, Ph D Student in sociology, ECNU/ENS de Lyon, Triangle
- Shin Jinwoo, Ph D Student of sociology, ENS Lyon/ Jeonbuk National University, Triangle
- Truong Oscar, Ph D Student of sociology, ENS Lyon, Triangle