/ Présentations

Denis Barbet : “Grenelle”

(Traduction : Fiona Simpkins, MCF Civilisation britannique,

Speaker : Denis Barbet

Topic : “Grenelle”

Summary : The term “Grenelle” is studied here in light of three intertwined perspectives : historical, political and linguistic.

The history of the word is first explored : approximately ten more or less successful rounds of negotiations have been introduced under the banner “Grenelle” between the conference gathering trade union representatives, employers and the government that took place Rue de Grenelle, at the Labour Ministry, from 25th to 27th May 1968, and 2008. In addition, more than 150 demands for the organisation of such “Grenelle” negotiations were made by all sorts of different actors, notably representatives of interest groups, trade unionists and politicians.

The political and institutional stakes of the main instances then come under scrutiny. Most notably, the organisation of the environmental “Grenelle” launched by Nicolas Sarkozy in 2007, is set in the particular circumstances of electoral competition and the beginning of a presidential mandate ; it appears as a co-production between the State and what is commonly called “civil society” (certain environmental NGOs), and resembles “demand for offer”. In terms of public policy, the process is associated by the participants to a “new model of governance”, to a form of “participative democracy” that tends to transform the system of social relationships.

Finally, the lexical dimension of the term is brought to light : the praxonymic antonomasia that the expression the or a Grenelle constitutes is studied over a long period (forty years in the case of Le Monde). Several morphological and syntaxic clues show that this term has considerably evolved, and singularly so over the last two years, along its way to lexicalization, although it remains far from a linguistic stasis.

An analysis of the discourses uttered by the actors, journalists and “ordinary” internet users conveys indications as to the semantic sedimentation of the word and the conditions of its use.

Key words : Antonomasia, Grenelle, lexicalization, negotiation, political onomastics.

/ Présentations

Paul Bacot : “Agoronyms. Legitimising Parliamentary Assemblies Through Their Denomination”

(Traduction : Fiona Simpkins, MCF Civilisation britannique,
UMR 5206)

Speaker : Paul Bacot

Topic : “Agoronyms. Legitimising Parliamentary Assemblies Through Their Denomination”

Summary : The names of parliamentary assemblies, or agoromyms, are proper names composed of one or several lexical units bearing meaning. However, they are more informative of the legitimising strategies used than of their objective characteristics. In this sense, they are an integral part of political discourse. This study is based on two corpuses : the first one is composed of approximately a hundred official names of some sixty national assemblies and fifteen Parliaments of forty-five independent European states in their national language(s), whilst the second consists of the official names (in French and English) of international parliamentary assemblies. A paracorpus is composed of ancient or officious appellations.

The census of morpho-semantic units entering the official denominations of national parliamentary assemblies in Europe, as well as their interlinguistic classification in a few large categories, show that these agoronyms are constructed from words or elements bearing a limited number of meaningful characteristics that can refer to a gathering of individuals, a closed location, a debating activity, pertinent actors, a specific time, a hierarchical status, a geopolitical stake or a represented population. Two main modalities for legitimising through agoronyms are observed : either emotion is played up, that is connotation and an implicit argument, either reason is played up, that is denotation and an explicit argument. Words whose frequency of use is decreasing indicate what is not being chosen to contribute to the legitimacy of an assembly through its denomination.

Key words : agoronym, parliamentary assemblies, Europe, legitimation, political onomastics.

/ Présentations

Stéphanie Souche : “Understanding the Diversity Appellations of an Urban Toll Policy. An Economist’s Viewpoint”

(Traduction : Fiona Simpkins, MCF Civilisation britannique,

Speaker : Stéphanie Souche, Assistant Professor in Economic Sciences at the IUT of Montluçon.

Topic : “Understanding the Diversity of Appellations of an Urban Toll Policy. An Economist’s Viewpoint”.

Summary : The experiments in introducing urban tolls have multiplied in recent years with a great diversity of chosen appellations. It could either be a licensing system to access the central area of cities such as Singapour (Area Central License System), a peripheral belt toll system in the Norwegian cities of Bergen, Oslo, Trondheim (Toll Ring System), an electronic tariff on roads in Hong Kong (Electronic Road Pricing), the more recent introduction of a congestion charge in London (Central London Congestion Charging), or tolled express lanes as well as bridge and tunnel tolls in the United States (Toll Express Lanes and Toll bridges) and in France (“tunnel Prado-Carénage”).

Why is there such a diversity of appellations for these different experiments although they are only the expression of an urban transport toll policy ? The lexicological analysis of the vocabulary used allows a classification of these experiments by groups of two antonyms of the word toll, built on polarised oppositions. The inclusion of the historical and political context of the policy as well as the economic objective sought through the introduction of the urban toll policy allows a further detailed taxonomy.

Key words : antomyns, context, political onomastics, toll, taxonomy.

/ Présentations

Chloé Gaboriaux : “Rural 1st (A. Thiers) as a Paganocrat. The Political Appropriation of Rustic Vocabulary Circa 1871”

(Traduction : Fiona Simpkins, MCF Civilisation britannique,
UMR 5206)

Speaker : Chloé Gaboriaux, Doctor in political sciences and Lecturer in Literature at the University of Lyon (University Claude Bernard Lyon 1).

Title : “Rural 1st (A. Thiers) as a Paganocrat. The Political Appropriation of Rustic Vocabulary Circa 1871”

Summary : The use of the term rural in its reactionary sense after the elections of February 1871 was often commented upon (Dubois, 1962 ; Barral, 1968 ; Huard, 1998 ; Chun, 2003 ; Bleton-Burget, 2005). Exasperated by the numerous electoral failures they experienced from the 1848 campaign onwards, Republicans turned the adjective into an insult that their political opponents immediately adopted as a claim to fame. This study aims to analyse the conceptual rearranging in the evolution of the term rural and go beyond the heretofore favoured study of its connotations. The nickname Rural 1st that Republicans soon gave Adolphe Thiers was the focus of attention for this study. Indeed, it outstandingly puts in practice the disqualifying metonymy undergirding most of the uses of the term rural and that comes down to denigrating the representatives of the campaigns by referring to them by the name of their electorate. The process is doubly surprising on the Republicans’ part. It implies a critique of the majority voters that goes against their faith in universal suffrage. Furthermore, it rests upon the identification of a social category with a political colour, which contradicts in large part their abstract faith in citizenship, heretofore considered as a way to break away from social determinations.

The analysis of a large corpus of texts published in the political arena between 1871 and 1875 made it possible to link the evolution of the term “rural” with a certain number of proposals for action initiated by Republicans, and to thus demonstrate that this linguistic process is far from being innocent : its use sends back to a reorientation of Republican conceptions.

Key words :political discourse, political onomastics, peasantry, representation, universal suffrage.

/ Présentations

Grégory Bozonnet : “Public Places Called After “Coluche”. On Choosing Anthroponymic Toponyms”

(Traduction : Fiona Simpkins, MCF Civilisation britannique,
UMR 5206)

Speaker : Grégory Bozonnet, UMR CNRS 55206 Triangle, University of Lyon, Institut d’études politiques.

Topic : “Public Places Called After “Coluche”. On Choosing Anthroponymic Toponyms”

Summary : Since 21st June 1986, when Coluche was victim of a fatal motorcycle accident, seventy French towns have wished to pay a public tribute to a man alternatively presented as a contested comedian, an actor, a presidential candidate or the founder of the Restaurants du Coeur. His name was given to streets, squares, but also social centres and schools. These are cases of anthroponymic toponyms, whereby names of people are given to places, whether public or not, and especially street names or odonyms. The latter initially enabled travellers to find their bearings and were linked to the designated place. Little by little, they evolved from honouring local figures (wealthy owners, councillors...), to national glories, until they became completely disconnected from the territory thus named : anthroponymic toponyms are chosen according to the symbolical value attributed to the honoured name.

The qualities Coluche’s name seem to evoke twenty years after his death are first and foremost generosity and irreverence, which is what brought many left-wing French municipalities to confer his name to a public place. Although this choice usually originates in left-wing municipalities, it nevertheless remains consensual. Besides, the tributes paid to Coluche are generally set in a period of consensual effort : figures from artistic circles are now more often honoured than political glories, which was far from being the norm before the seventies. But as soon as the name Coluche is given to a location deemed too important in light of his career and background, the consensus shatters, as is the case of the Collège de Rougemont-le-Château (Territoire de Belfort) that bears the comedian’s name.

Keywords : Coluche, public tributes, odonymy, anthroponymic toponyms, political onomastics.

/ Présentations

Bertrand Pirat : “Debating a Name for the {Nouveau Parti Anti-Capitaliste}”

(Traduction : Fiona Simpkins, MCF Civilisation britannique,
UMR 5206)

Speaker : Bertrand Pirat, Ph.D, Triangle research centre, University of Lyon, Institut d’études politiques


Summary :

From the call initiated by the Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire on 5th July 2007 for the creation of a new anti-capitalist party (“nouveau parti anti-capitaliste, NPA”) to the founding conference of the NPA in February 2009, it is possible to observe an ongoing process of partisan denomination. The creation of a debate on the name of the new party within the organisation itself, the temporary character of the name voluntarily maintained by the initiators of the project, and the media reception of the process suggest that partisan denomination may considered here as an element of political mobilisation in itself.

The description of this mobilisation process through denomination leads to considering the syntagm nouveau parti anti-capitaliste in discourse as a formula, that is as an utterance likely to be used by different political actors, yet remaining problematic for those who adopt it (Krieg, 2009). Operating a synchronous contiguity of discourse originating in militant, political, intellectual and journalistic fields as well as intra and extra partisan discussion forums - bearing the common characteristic of discussing explicitly and for itself one or more lexias - makes it possible to present the constitution of a circulation space in the formula and the, singularly political, work of negotiation that is performed on the signifier, the signified and the referent of each element of the formula.

The analysis in diachrony of a corpus of seventy one headlines of the weekly journal Rouge makes it possible to highlight the rival forms and uses of the formula (a/this/the new anti-capitalist party, NPA). The choice between its simple use or its formation into a proper noun demonstrates an unequal process of objectivity for the partisan phenonenon in its initial phase.

Keywords : formula, names of parties, NPA, political onomastics.

/ Présentations

Clément Steuer : "Partisan onomastics in Egypt. The case of Wasat”

(Traduction : Fiona Simpkins, MCF Civilisation britannique,
UMR 5206)

Speaker : Clément Steuer, UMR CNRS 5206 Triangle, University of Lyon, Institut d’études politiques.

Summary :

The case of Wasat shows that Arabic onomastics can bring light to contemporary political phenomena. This budding organism, created by dissident Muslim Brothers and that never obtained the authorization necessary for its legal constitution as a party, has indeed managed to impose itself as Al Wasat (i.e. “the middle”, “the centre”). This paper wishes to examine how this antonomasia was created. This study is based on two corpuses : the first is composed of four political programmes published by Wasat since 1996, and the second of transcriptions of interviews conducted in the spring of 2008 with activists from the Egyptian opposition.

The semantic study of the word wasat first of all shows its extreme polysemia. If one is to focus on the meaning that the actors themselves give to the expression, it appears that it is correlated to notions of justice, moderation and religion. The word wasat sends back to the Koran, that presents Islam as the religion of the centre, thus correcting the symmetrical excesses of Judaism and Christianity. Therefore, it does not only refer to the centre of the political spectrum but sends back to a whole world of pre-existing references. The successful antonomasia of this term in favour of a political party is indeed founded on a previous work of conceptualisation made during the 1980s by a group of Arab intellectuals who initiated a global reform movement called Wasatiya, of which Wasat only represents the political side.

Keywords : antonomasia, Egypt, semantic cloud, political onomastics, Wasat.

/ Présentations

Haoues Seniguer : Language(s), words and image. The case of the Moroccan Parti de la Justice et du Développement”

(Traduction : Fiona Simpkins, MCF Civilisation britannique,
UMR 5206)

Speaker : Haoues Seniguer, UMR CNRS 5195 GREMMO, University Lumière of Lyon 2


Summary :

The Parti de la Justice et du Développement (PJD) is a formation that officially entered the House of Representatives in Morocco in 1998. It belongs to the constellation of movements and/or parties of a so-called legalist Islamism. Being very much influenced and impregnated by the teachings and ideology of the Muslim Brothers of Egypt as well as their main theorists (Hassan Al Banna, Sayid Qotb, Maududi), the current leaders of the PJD have switched from clandestine action to a legitimist activism that takes into account the political order and the institutions represented by the King, both chief of the Executive and Commander of the Faith. The PJD is the product of the fusion of the MPDC (Mouvement Populaire Démocratique Constitutionnel) created in 1967 by a relative of the Royal Family, various Islamist associations, including Jeunesse Islamique where Abdelillah Benkirane and Saadine Al Othmani, respectively First Secretary and President of the National Council of the PJD, first started. The latter organisation was founded in 1969 before being dissolved by the government in 1975, its founder having been found legally responsible for the assassination of a left-wing unionist.

Recourse to lexical and semeiological analyses brings light to the changes of strategies and agenda that were conceded. If a semeiological study is an indication of what is left unsaid in the Islamic party, a lexical analysis (in Arabic and French) makes it possible to either confirm or nuance this. It also allows a deconstruction of certain aspects of party leaders’ public communication and a better definition of the exact contours of these either real or alleged ideological revisions. The attention brought to the successive names of the different associations that gave birth to the PJD makes it possible to put the actors’ discourse at a distance.

Keywords :

Muslim Brothers, Jeunesse Islamique, Morocco, Parti de la Justice et du Développement, political onomastics

/ Présentations

Jean-Charles Pochard : “Syntax and states names. A marker dominant mental map ?”

(Traduction : Fiona Simpkins, MCF Civilisation britannique,
UMR 5206)

Speaker : Jean-Charles Pochard, UMR 5191 ICAR, university of Lyon, University Lumière, UMR 5191 ICAR

jean-charles.pochard [at] univ-lyon2.fr

Summary :

The place names under scrutiny here are names of states. This onomastic sub-category refers to (a) toponymy and more particularly to choronymy (term designating the name of a large geographical or administrative unit), and (b) geopolitical onomastics and international relations. State names are for the most part derived from names of countries. If State names are lexical components of the French language, they constitute a linguistically mixed category (loan translation, naturalization, borrowings, transliterations...). Besides, this category is constrained by diplomatic contingencies. The appellations of states are the result of careful negotiations on the part of authorities at both national and international levels.

Whatever the degree of “Frenchification” of these words, they enter into syntaxic constructions as is the case for any other word, notably with locative prepositions. The discussion here is confined to the use of à and en. A study of utterances in which these elements are used reveals a certain amount of variability. A close analysis of the data suggests that these variations reflect the mental map which the speaker has of the state concerned : island-states are often perceived as points (smallness, remoteness) involving the use of à with or without a feminine article la. Names of countries considered to be close or important are preceded by en or au depending on their gender and vocal initial according to the general rule in French. For a state such as Barbados (la Barbade), several constructions are found such as : à Barbade, à la Barbade, en Barbade (formerly aux Barbades). An explanation of these variations is proposed.

Keywords : choronymy, use of the prepositions à and en, state names, political onomastics, mental representations.

/ Présentations

International Conference of the Centennial Anniversary of the Purchasing Power of Money by Irving Fisher

Scientific committee

Jérôme de Boyer des Roches, Phare et Leda Sdfi, Université Paris Dauphine

Robert Dimand, Brock University, Ontario, Canada

Rebeca Gomez Betancourt, Triangle, Université Lumière Lyon 2

Jean-Pierre Potier, Triangle, Université Lumière Lyon 2

Organizing committee


Download the program (pdf)


  • 8h15–8h45 : Registration. (Atrium, Université Lumière-Lyon 2)
  • 8h45–9h : Welcome speech (Grand Amphithéâtre, Université Lumière-Lyon 2)
  • 9h-10h : Inaugural Conference by David Laidler : Irving Fisher influences on the American
    Macroeconomics in XXth century
    (Grand Amphithéâtre, Université Lumière-Lyon 2)
    Chair : Rebeca Gomez Betancourt
  • 10h30-12h30 : Session 1 (Grand Amphithéâtre, Université Lumière-Lyon 2)
    Chair : Jérôme de Boyer
    • Mauro Boianovsky : Fisher and Wicksell on money : a reconstructed conversation
      Discussant : Muriel Dal-Pont
    • Michael Assous : Origin and development of Fisher Debt deflation analysis
      Discussant : Jean-Stéphane Mesonnier
  • 12h30-14 : Lunch. (Salon Lirondelle, Université Lumière-Lyon 2)
  • 14h-16h : Session 2 (Grand Amphithéâtre, Université Lumière-Lyon 2)
    Chair : Nicolas Chaigneau
    • Robert W. Dimand : The genesis of the Purchasing Power of Money
      Discussant : Pascal Bridel
    • Jérôme de Boyer et Rebeca Gomez Betancourt : Origins and development of Fisher Compensated dollar Plan
      Discussant : Jérôme Blanc
  • 20h : Gala diner


  • 10h-12h : Session 3 (Salle des Colloques, Université Lumière-Lyon 2)
    Chair : André Tiran
    • Sylvie Diatkine : Purchasing Power of Money reception in England
      Discussant : Annalisa Rosselli
    • Harald Hagemann : The Impact of Fisher’s Purchasing Power of Money in the German Language area
      Discussant : Heinz Kurz
  • 12h30-14h : Lunch. (Salon Lirondelle, Université Lumière-Lyon 2)
  • 14h-16h : Session 4 (Salle des Colloques, Université Lumière-Lyon 2)
    Chair : Gilbert Faccarello
    • Florencia Sember : Purchasing Power of Money reception in Latin America
      Discussant : Kepa Ormazabal
    • Alain Béraud : Purchasing Power of Money reception in France
      Discussant : Ludovic Desmedt
  • 18h Cocktail. (Salon Lirondelle, Université Lumière-Lyon 2)

All the conferences will be held at University Lumière-Lyon 2, Campus des Berges du Rhône, 16 Quai Claude Bernard, 69007 Lyon.
Friday’s conferences will be held in Grand
Amphithéâtre. Saturday’s conferences will be held in “Salle des Colloques” (next to Grand Amphitheatre), Erato building.
Reception of participants, coffe breaks and lunch will be held in “Salon Lirondelle”, (next to Grand Amphitheatre).

Access TCL : Metro line A : station Perrache. Tram T1 : stop Quai Claude Bernard.
Stations de Vélo’v : Angle Rue de Marseille/Rue de l’Université with Quai Claude Bernard


Download the registration form, to be sent preferably before September 30th 2011.


  • 1. Michael Assous, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
  • 2. Alain Béraud, Université Cergy-Pontoise
  • 3. Mauro Boianovsky, Universidade de Brasilia
  • 4. Jérôme de Boyer, Université Paris Dauphine
  • 5. Sylvie Diatkine, Université Paris 12 Créteil
  • 6. Robert Dimand, Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
  • 7. Harald Hagemann, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany
  • 8. Rebeca Gomez Betancourt, Université Lumière-Lyon 2
  • 9. David Laidler, University of Western Ontario, Canada
  • 10. Florencia Sember, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and Conicet, Argentina

/ Présentations

The Issue of leadership. Debates based on contributions from international research

Link to the program brochure
Link to pratical information
Link to the french presentation


At international scale and since the 1980s, reforms in education have transformed the working conditions of teachers and environment of schools. Anglo-Saxon research has considerably progressed in the area of school improvement, the share of responsibilities between head-teachers, teachers, other educational staff and families... The notion of leadership became progressively essential.
A research field has been structured on this issue ; a dialogue is now developed between academic expertise, policy-making and professional experiences. This work is particulary supported by the European Policy Network on School Leadership required by the European Commission and created by the FORTH Foundation.
The conference has two main objectives :

  • To contribute to a state of the art at the European level, in confronting approaches from the Anglo-Saxon, Scandinavian and Latin European countries and enlightening them from the US perspective.
  • To build a forum at French level between academic research, the French Ministry of Education and bottom-up experiences.
    That is why the conference is an important step in the advancement of a major debate for the achievement of all students and the improvement of the French educational system’s performance. It can so interest a large audience : researchers and students, policy-markers, teachers and other educational staff, families, elected representatives, etc.
    Diverse publications, in French and in English, are scheduled to disseminate the findings.

3 april 2012

  • 8:00 Welcome
  • 9:00 Opening
    • Jacques Samarut (General Head of the ENS of Lyon)
    • Yves Winkin (Director of the l’Institut Français de l’Éducation - IFÉ)
    • Renaud Payre(Directeur adjoint de Triangle - UMR 5206)
  • 9:15 Leadership : some points of convergence
    _From school improvement to the leadership issue : crossroads between policy and research
    Chair : Jean-Louis Derouet (ENS of Lyon - IFÉ - Triangle - UMR 5206)
    Discussant : Hélène Buisson Fenet (CNRS, ENS of Lyon - Triangle - UMR 5206)
    • The New Public Management in Education. Which Mordenization ?
      Jean-Paul de Gaudemar (Professor and former Chief Education Officer)
    • The Challenges in building a European Policy Network on School Leadership
      Kathy Kikis-Papadakis (European Policy Network on Scool Leadership)
    • Leadership and Governance at European Scale : towards Lifelong Learning
      Bianka Stege (European Federation of Education Employers)
  • 12:00-14:00 Lunch
  • 14:00-16:30 Workshops. Initiatives and Reflections
    Coordinator : François Muller (Department of Research, Development, Innovation and Experiment, General Directorate of Schools, French Ministry of Education)
  • 17:00-19:00 Report on Workshops
    Coordinator :
    François Muller (DGESCO)

4 april 2012

  • 8:00 Welcome
    Leadership in Intenational Research. Theoretical Debates and Perspectives
    Chair : Roberto Serpieri (University Federico II - Neaples)
    Discussant : Romuald Normand (ENS of Lyon - IFÉ - Triangle - UMR 5206)
    • School Administration in a Changing US Policy Environment : Formal Structures and Leadership Practice
      James Spillane (Northwestern University, Consortium for Policy Research in Education)
    • The Rise and Rise of School Leadership in England
      Helen Gunter (University of Manchester)
    • Leadership for Professional Development : theoretical perspectives
      Linda Evans (University of Leeds)
    • School Leadership and School Development
      Eleftheria Argyropoulou (University of Crete)
    • Can Leaders influence Deliberations in Schools ?
      Lejf Moos (Aarhus University)
  • 12:00-14:00 Lunch
  • 14:00-16:30 PLENARY SESSION N°3
    Examining the dynamics of knowledge production and diffusion
    Chair : Claude Baudouin (Regional Centre of Pedagogical Documentation - Lyon)
    • The link between Research, Policy and Practice : Contribution of Knowledge Center
      Johnatan Supovitz (University of Philadelphia, Deputy Head of the Consortium for Policy Research in Education)
  • 15:00 Roundtable
    Developing a Leadership Culture : examining the role of partnership in improving schools and educational Systems
    • Olivier Bachelard (Business School, Saint-Étienne)
    • Dominique Bolliet (Deputy-Mayor of Lyon)
    • Jean-Claude Chapu (ESEN - French National College for School Leadership)
    • Wolfgang Meyer (Niedersächsisches Landesinstitut für schulische Qualitätentwicklung)
    • Bénédicte Robert (DGESCO)


  • École normale supérieure de Lyon - Institut Français de l’Éducation
  • Laboratoire Triangle (UMR 5206)
  • Ministère de l’Éducation Nationale de la Jeunesse et de la Vie associative
  • École Supérieure de l’Éducation National (ESEN)
  • British Educational Leadership, Management and Administration Society (BELMAS)
  • European Policy Network on School Leadership
  • Consortium for Policy Research in Education (Université de Philadelphie)

Comité scientifique

  • Jean-Louis Derouet
    Professeur, École normale supérieure de Lyon, UMR Triangle, Institut Français de l’Éducation
  • Claude Bisson-Vaivre
    Doyen de l’Inspection Générale de l’Éducation nationale, Groupe "Établissement et vie Scolaire"
  • Hélène Buisson-Fenet
    Chargée de recherche, UMR Triangle, École normale supérieure de Lyon
  • Jean-Claude Chapu
    Chargé de mission aux relations internationales, École Supérieure de l’Éducation Nationale
  • Linda Evans
    Université de Leeds, Royaume-Uni
  • Romuald Normand
    Maître de conférence, École normale supérieure de Lyon, UMR Triangle, Institut Français de l’Éducation
  • Bénédicte Robert
    Directrice du Département de la recherche, du développement, de l’innovation et de l’expérimentation
    à la Direction Générale de l’enseignement scolaire du ministère de l’Éducation nationale
  • James Spillane
    Professeur, Northwestern University & Consortium for Policy Research in Education, États-Unis


École normale supérieure de Lyon - Institut Français de l’Éducation
Triangle (UMR 5206)
15 Parvis René Descartes
69007 Lyon - France

/ Présentations


Professeur en études arabes à l’ENS de Lyon. En détachement depuis septembre 2021 : directeur du CEFREPA (Centre Français de Recherche de la Péninsule Arabique)


De l’éthique du Prince et du gouvernement de l’Etat / Al-Māwardī ; traduit [et annoté] de l’arabe par Makram Abbès. Et précédé d’un Essai sur les arts de gouverner en Islam / [Makram Abbès]. - Paris : les Belles lettres, 2015.

Makram Abbes est Professeur de philosophie politique à l’ENS de Lyon.

Ouvrages : présentation détaillée

Publiés au sein du laboratoire, depuis 2010

Interventions dans les médias