- Assous, Michaël, and Vincent Carret. 2022 “The importance of multiple equilibria for economic policy in Jan Tinbergen’s early works” The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought forthcoming.
- Carret, Vincent. Fluctuations and growth in Ragnar Frisch’s rocking horse model.” Journal of the History of Economic Thought (forthcoming). Preprint at SocArXiv,
- Assous, Michaël, Olivier Bruno, Vincent Carret, and Muriel Dal-Pont Legrand. 2021. “Expectations and full employment. Hansen, Samuelson and Lange.” Revue d’économie politique Vol. 132(3):511–30.
- Assous, Michaël, and Vincent Carret. 2020 “(In)Stability at the Cowles Commission (1939–1948).” The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought Vol. 27(4) : 582–605.
- Assous, Michaël, and Vincent Carret. 2022. Economic (In)Stability - New Perspective on the History of Macroeconomics. Cham : Springer. Companion website :
Pre-Print and Working Papers
- Carret, Vincent. "Understanding the bitterness of Wassily Leontief : Postwar success and failures of input-output techniques." Working Paper. March 9, 2022.
- Carret, Vincent, and Michaël Assous. “Econometrics at Harvard.” Working Paper. Chapter to be published in the Palgrave Companion to Harvard Economics, ed. by R. Cord. October 30, 2021.
- Carret, Vincent. “Rupture and continuity in the original divide between micro-dynamics and macro-dynamics” Working Paper. HAL, May 30, 2021.
- Assous, Michaël, and Vincent Carret. "Relaxation Oscillations in the Early Development of Econometrics : Coming (Almost) Full Circle (1929-1951)." Working Paper. HAL, April 23, 2021.
- Assous, Michaël, Vincent Carret. “The hidden side of Jan Tinbergen’s approach to economic policy (1934-1944).” Working Paper. HAL, February 5, 2021.
- Assous, Michaël, Vincent Carret. “Jan Tinbergen’s early contribution to macrodynamics (1932-1936) : Multiple equilibria, complete collapse and the Great Depression.” Working Paper. HAL, December 23, 2020.
- Carret, Vincent. “And yet it rocks ! Fluctuations and growth in Ragnar Frisch’s rocking horse model” Working Paper. HAL, October 16, 2020.
Communications et Workshops
2022 :
- "Understanding the bitterness of Wassily Leontief : Postwar success and failures of input-output techniques." :
- March 4th, HOPE Center, Duke University.
2021 :
- "Rupture and continuity in the original divide between micro-dynamics and macro-dynamics." :
- October 14th, H2M Seminar, Paris I University.
- October 9th, Young Scholar Seminar at the ESHET Conference in Sofia, Bulgaria.
- June 17th, STOREP Conference
- "Econometrics at Harvard." :
- October 8th, HOPE Center, Duke University.
- "The hidden side of Jan Tinbergen’s approach to economic policy (1934-1944)." :
- May 11th, Séminaire Commun GREDEG - TRIANGLE
- March 5th, HOPE Center of Duke University Workshop,
- "Fluctuations and growth in Ragnar Frisch’s rocking horse model" :
- April 8th, Workshop of the Doctoral School of Economics in Lyon
- March 12th, Atelier du pôle économie de Triangle,
2020 :
- “Lire les premiers modèles macrodynamiques avec de nouveaux outils,” October 7th, Atelier des doctorants du pôle Économie, (Lyon, France)
2019 :
- “(In)-stability at the Cowles Commission (1939-1944),” May 17th, Macroeconomics : Dynamic Histories - When Statics is no Longer Enough, Workshop tenu à Colmar, France
- Organisation d’une journée d’étude sur la Cowles Commission à la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (Lyon, France), 2 December
- Macroéconomie Monétaire (L2, 2*17.5h)
- See also my personal website where I put some of the applications used during the class :
2021-2022 : Fellow at the Center for the History of Political Economy at Duke University (
2019-2022 : Contrat doctoral à l’Université Lyon 2
2018-2019 : Master 2 Théories et histoire de l’économie dans la société (Université Lyon 2). Mémoire de recherche : "Naissance et diffusion de l’analyse de la stabilité", sous la direction de Michaël Assous
2017-2018 : Master 2 Histoire de la pensée politique (ENS de Lyon). Mémoire de recherche : "Jacques Rueff : naissance d’un néo-libéralisme", sous la direction de Ludovic Frobert
2017-2018 : Master 1 Analyse et politiques économiques (Université Lyon 2 - ENS de Lyon)
2014-2018 : Diplôme de l’IEP de Lyon. Un semestre à l’Université Laval (Québec) dans le cadre de la troisième année
Axes de recherche
- Histoire de la pensée économique
- Macroéconomie et analyse économique
- Liens entre pensée politique et pensée économique