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The Issue of leadership. Debates based on contributions from international research

Link to the program brochure
Link to pratical information
Link to the french presentation


At international scale and since the 1980s, reforms in education have transformed the working conditions of teachers and environment of schools. Anglo-Saxon research has considerably progressed in the area of school improvement, the share of responsibilities between head-teachers, teachers, other educational staff and families... The notion of leadership became progressively essential.
A research field has been structured on this issue ; a dialogue is now developed between academic expertise, policy-making and professional experiences. This work is particulary supported by the European Policy Network on School Leadership required by the European Commission and created by the FORTH Foundation.
The conference has two main objectives :

  • To contribute to a state of the art at the European level, in confronting approaches from the Anglo-Saxon, Scandinavian and Latin European countries and enlightening them from the US perspective.
  • To build a forum at French level between academic research, the French Ministry of Education and bottom-up experiences.
    That is why the conference is an important step in the advancement of a major debate for the achievement of all students and the improvement of the French educational system’s performance. It can so interest a large audience : researchers and students, policy-markers, teachers and other educational staff, families, elected representatives, etc.
    Diverse publications, in French and in English, are scheduled to disseminate the findings.

3 april 2012

  • 8:00 Welcome
  • 9:00 Opening
    • Jacques Samarut (General Head of the ENS of Lyon)
    • Yves Winkin (Director of the l’Institut Français de l’Éducation - IFÉ)
    • Renaud Payre(Directeur adjoint de Triangle - UMR 5206)
  • 9:15 Leadership : some points of convergence
    _From school improvement to the leadership issue : crossroads between policy and research
    Chair : Jean-Louis Derouet (ENS of Lyon - IFÉ - Triangle - UMR 5206)
    Discussant : Hélène Buisson Fenet (CNRS, ENS of Lyon - Triangle - UMR 5206)
    • The New Public Management in Education. Which Mordenization ?
      Jean-Paul de Gaudemar (Professor and former Chief Education Officer)
    • The Challenges in building a European Policy Network on School Leadership
      Kathy Kikis-Papadakis (European Policy Network on Scool Leadership)
    • Leadership and Governance at European Scale : towards Lifelong Learning
      Bianka Stege (European Federation of Education Employers)
  • 12:00-14:00 Lunch
  • 14:00-16:30 Workshops. Initiatives and Reflections
    Coordinator : François Muller (Department of Research, Development, Innovation and Experiment, General Directorate of Schools, French Ministry of Education)
  • 17:00-19:00 Report on Workshops
    Coordinator :
    François Muller (DGESCO)

4 april 2012

  • 8:00 Welcome
    Leadership in Intenational Research. Theoretical Debates and Perspectives
    Chair : Roberto Serpieri (University Federico II - Neaples)
    Discussant : Romuald Normand (ENS of Lyon - IFÉ - Triangle - UMR 5206)
    • School Administration in a Changing US Policy Environment : Formal Structures and Leadership Practice
      James Spillane (Northwestern University, Consortium for Policy Research in Education)
    • The Rise and Rise of School Leadership in England
      Helen Gunter (University of Manchester)
    • Leadership for Professional Development : theoretical perspectives
      Linda Evans (University of Leeds)
    • School Leadership and School Development
      Eleftheria Argyropoulou (University of Crete)
    • Can Leaders influence Deliberations in Schools ?
      Lejf Moos (Aarhus University)
  • 12:00-14:00 Lunch
  • 14:00-16:30 PLENARY SESSION N°3
    Examining the dynamics of knowledge production and diffusion
    Chair : Claude Baudouin (Regional Centre of Pedagogical Documentation - Lyon)
    • The link between Research, Policy and Practice : Contribution of Knowledge Center
      Johnatan Supovitz (University of Philadelphia, Deputy Head of the Consortium for Policy Research in Education)
  • 15:00 Roundtable
    Developing a Leadership Culture : examining the role of partnership in improving schools and educational Systems
    • Olivier Bachelard (Business School, Saint-Étienne)
    • Dominique Bolliet (Deputy-Mayor of Lyon)
    • Jean-Claude Chapu (ESEN - French National College for School Leadership)
    • Wolfgang Meyer (Niedersächsisches Landesinstitut für schulische Qualitätentwicklung)
    • Bénédicte Robert (DGESCO)


  • École normale supérieure de Lyon - Institut Français de l’Éducation
  • Laboratoire Triangle (UMR 5206)
  • Ministère de l’Éducation Nationale de la Jeunesse et de la Vie associative
  • École Supérieure de l’Éducation National (ESEN)
  • British Educational Leadership, Management and Administration Society (BELMAS)
  • European Policy Network on School Leadership
  • Consortium for Policy Research in Education (Université de Philadelphie)

Comité scientifique

  • Jean-Louis Derouet
    Professeur, École normale supérieure de Lyon, UMR Triangle, Institut Français de l’Éducation
  • Claude Bisson-Vaivre
    Doyen de l’Inspection Générale de l’Éducation nationale, Groupe "Établissement et vie Scolaire"
  • Hélène Buisson-Fenet
    Chargée de recherche, UMR Triangle, École normale supérieure de Lyon
  • Jean-Claude Chapu
    Chargé de mission aux relations internationales, École Supérieure de l’Éducation Nationale
  • Linda Evans
    Université de Leeds, Royaume-Uni
  • Romuald Normand
    Maître de conférence, École normale supérieure de Lyon, UMR Triangle, Institut Français de l’Éducation
  • Bénédicte Robert
    Directrice du Département de la recherche, du développement, de l’innovation et de l’expérimentation
    à la Direction Générale de l’enseignement scolaire du ministère de l’Éducation nationale
  • James Spillane
    Professeur, Northwestern University & Consortium for Policy Research in Education, États-Unis


École normale supérieure de Lyon - Institut Français de l’Éducation
Triangle (UMR 5206)
15 Parvis René Descartes
69007 Lyon - France
