/ Séminaire FELiCiTE : Circulations, Traductions et EditionsSéminaire de traductologie féministe | Daniela Ginsburg : Traduire la philo et les SHS aux Etats-Unislundi, 20 août 2018 |
Daniela Ginsburg est traductrice et interprète, spécialisée en sciences humaines et sociales. Elle a traduit, entre autres, des textes de Sandra Laugier et Georges Canguilhem.
Le 19 octobre, à l’ENS de Lyon, en salle D4.260 (site Descartes, bâtiment 4, 2ème étage), de 9h30 à 17h
« I earned my B.A. in French and Anthropology from Berkeley and first began translating in 2006 as a 2nd-year graduate student, when another student at the Johns Hopkins Humanities Center and I collaborated to translate Georges Canguilhem’s La Connaissance de la vie. This challenging text provided a steep learning curve and set me down the path of professional translation. Since then, I’ve translated and published a number of academic books and articles for university presses and journals, primarily in philosophy and anthropology. After working on a number of “purely” philosophical texts (including a recently finished 400-page tome by J.F. Kervégan on Hegel) I am happy to be working with an author whose research is at the intersection of philosophy and anthropology, an intersection I find fascinating and highly relevant. In 2012 I became a certified translator with the American Translators Association and I also work on various commercial translation projects. »