Auteur(s) / Autrice(s) : Alistair Cole & Renaud Payre (ed.)
Publié en : 2015
Collection : Cities series
Pages : 301 p.
Isbn : 978-1-78471-989-0
Editeur : Edward Elgar Publishing
Fiche de présentation de l’éditeur :
The objective of this book is to reconstitute the historical, political ans spatial diversity of procesesses of metropolitanisation. Focusing on the city’s role as the nexus for new forms of relationships between politics, economics and society, this book views the city as a political phenomena. Its chapters unravel the city’s plural histories, contested political, legal and administrative boundaries, and its policy-making capacity in the context of multi-level and market pressures.
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- Cities as political objects / Alistair Cole and Renaud Payre
- Functional integration, political conflict and muddled metropolitanism in the London region : 1850-2016 / Ian Gordon
- The Greater Paris debate : the French state and its capital region / Pauline Prat
- A tale of two cities : Madrid and Barcelona in Spain / Andrew Dowling
- The city as legal category and legal archive / Jacques Caillosse
- The rise and demise of neighbourhood democracy : decentralising the urban polity in Rotterdam since 1940 / Stefan Couperus
- Cities in the Italian political system : incomplete actors and objects of policies / Francesca Artioli
- Cities in the multi-level system of German federalism / Hubert Heinelt and Karsten Zimmerman
- The métropole as a contested and partisan institution : reflections on the case of the French city of Nice / Stéphane Cadiou
- Making metropolis : innovation and local governance issues in Paris and Milan / Clément Pin and Déborah Galimberti
- The metropolis and the market : political rescaling through public-private bike-sharing policy in Brussels / Maxime Huré
- Two faces of the city : varieties of metropolitanisation in Lyon and Marseille / Chrisophe Parnet
- Assembling multi-level governance in regeneration : an international comparison between France and Britain / Juliet Carpenter
Auteur(s) / Autrice(s) du labo
Deborah Galimberti
est Docteure en science politique.
Juliet Carpenter
est Research Fellow, University of Oxford, Global Centre on Healthcare and Urbanisation ; Reader, Oxford Brookes University, UK ; chercheure associée à Triangle (et précédemment sous contrat d’un Fellowship Marie Curie à Triangle).
Christophe Parnet
est Docteur en science politique.
Maxime Huré
est Maître de conférences HDR en science politique à l’université de Perpignan (CDED Centre du droit économique et du développement - EA 4216).
Stéphane Cadiou
est Professeur de science politique à l’Université Lumière Lyon 2.
Renaud Payre
est Professeur de science politique à Sciences Po Lyon.
Alistair Cole
est Professeur de science politique à Sciences Po Lyon, en détachement à Hong Kong Baptist University.