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Appel à communications pour le panel « Decolonizing Climate Policy in The Global South : Structural Changes in Policy Making » de la 6th International Conference on Public Policy (ICPP6), organisée à Toronto les 27-29 juin 2023

mardi, 31 janvier 2023


Climate change adaptation and mitigation policies are governed globally by frameworks of exceptional proportions such as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) (Aykut & Maertens, 2021 ; Aykut et al. 2017). Scholars have pointed out the limited results that such global environmental governance has on achievements while at the same time have highlighted the emergence of new pathways of more efficient and equitable policy making focused on local governance using local knowledge specifically in the Global South (Dahan, 2014 ; Leah S. Horowitz et al. 2017 ; Avila, 2018 ; Temper, 2019 ; Garcia del-Amo et al. 2020).

This process is called the decolonization of Climate Change following the work of Manuel Shvartzberg Carrió and Danika Cooper (2022). The panel would wants to demonstrate the role of local practices in shaping regional climate actions specific to communities of the Global South, where historically environmental policies have been implemented that are disconnected from the territorial, cultural and heritage contexts (Lunt I.,, 2012, Simpson N.,, 2022 ; IPCC, 2021).

GSPPN’s objective through this panel session is to analyze the process in which Climate Change public policies in the Global South are generated through regional knowledge narratives that reside within communities and their practices, and how such generational knowledge can be acknowledged by policy makers to form alternative policy frameworks.

This panel thus calls for research work by public policy scholars with an interest in climate policy making in the Global South. We expect papers related to policy process, policy design or formulation and policy implementation with an emphasis on a renewal of perspectives, taking into account local knowledge and new governance frameworks. This panel will be a stepping stone to strengthen the knowledge, practices, and efforts of local communities and indigenous peoples.

The proposed panel aims to participate in the international debate that is taking place on which the decolonization of climate change policies is at the heart of solving the climate crisis. (OECD, 2019 ; IPCC 2021).


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