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Rebeca Gomez Betancourt participe au workshop organisé par l’European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE) : « Political economy associations working together for a more inclusive and diversified economics »

vendredi, 27 janvier 2023


Many initiatives are taking place to decolonize and diversify economics. While significant progress has been made in terms of gender representation on boards, plenary conferences etc., the same cannot be said for the representation of racialized economists. It is time for pluralist economic associations and networks to share and take stock of their experiences and propose new changes and possibly a joint declaration and common actions.
What measures are beginning to be put in place in political economy associations, what are the difficulties encountered and the remaining blind spots ? What can be done further ? How to better coordinate disperse initiatives to increase our impact ?
Panelists representing various associations and networks will each present their findings and proposals in a first round of discussion.
This will be followed by a second round of discussion between panelists to consider joint actions and by exchanges with the audience.

Séance présidée par : Agnès Labrousse, Sciences Po Lyon, European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy

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