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Interview de Guillaume Faburel par Shanny Peer (directrice de la Maison Française – Columbia University), traduction par Nicholas Elliot : « The barbarity of world-cities : the Covid-19 pandemic and the inevitable consequences »

29 mai 2020, RadicalMay, à 18h


Interview organisée dans le cadre du festival littéraire en ligne Radical May to transform the world - Books to change the system

« A conversation between Guillaume Faburel and Shanny Peer (translation Nicholas Elliot)

One response may have come as a surprise during the pandemic period : a significant number of people wanted to leave the big cities, and some of them did. Why leave and isolate yourself when confinement and social distance are imposed everywhere ?

Guillaume Faburel, French geographer and professor of Urban Studies at University of Lyon 2 (Triangle Laboratory), will talk about how and why world cities and international metropolises are less and less livable, and not just for health reasons. Because of the gigantism and excessive nature of large cities, because of their conversion to the capitalism totality and the constraints cities impose on bodies, we need to reconsider ways we have been inhabiting the earth and look for other lifestyles that are more sustainable. Outside the large metropolises and the urban expansion, some alternatives are emerging that can show us the way, in France and elsewhere.
He will draw on his book, Les metropoles barbares, published by le Passager clandestin in 2019, and on its subtitle “Demondialiser la ville, désurbaniser la terre.” (“Un-world the cities, un-urbanize the planet”

  • Guillaume Faburel :

    Professeur d’Etudes urbaines à l’Université Lumière Lyon 2, enseignant à Sciences Po Lyon et à Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

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