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11th Euredocs conference : « Boundaries, identities, and hybridity in higher education and research »

Date et horaire 24 mai 2018 : 00h00 - 17 mai 2018 : 13h49

Lieu à l’ENS de Lyon, Site Descartes, Institut Français de l’Education, bât. Buisson, salle D8-006 (sauf pour la session 6 : salle à confirmer)

Colloque organisé avec le soutien du / Organized with the support of :
RESUP (Réseau d’études sur l’enseignement supérieur)

Program / Programme

All sessions will be held in room D8-006, on the ground floor of the Ferdinand Buisson Building, Descartes Campus of ENS Lyon, except for session 6 on Saturday, May 26 (room to be confirmed to participants).


  • 13:00-13:45 : Welcome coffee and registration, Main hall, Ferdinand Buisson Building
  • 13:45-14:00 : Introduction, Room D8-006

Session 1. Intersecting fields : Higher education and the labor market

  • 14:00-15:00 : Gabriel Idalgo, Univ. Porto, Portugal, “The European Higher Education Area and the labour crisis : Repercussions of international mandates and policies in Portuguese universities”
    • Discussants :
      Svein Michelsen
      Théotime Chabre
  • 15:00-16:00 : Hanne Kvilhaugsvik, Univ. Bergen, Norway, “Labour market panels – rubber stamp or strategic unit ?”

Coffee break

Session 2. On the spatial embeddedness of universities

  • 16:30-17:30 : Sofya Kopelyan, Univ. of Twente, The Netherlands, “Identity work of regionally engaged academics”
    • Discussants :
      Christine Musselin
      Carlos Azevedo
  • 17:30-18:30 : Anna Medvedeva, Univ. of Helsinki, Finland, “Spatial dimensions of university internationalization”
    • Discussants :
      Vincent Carpentier
      Hanne Kvilhaugsvik


Session 3. Academic identities and managerial logics : Assessing the impact of university reforms

  • 8:30-9:30 : Altynay Mustafina, Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan, “Towards Deregulation of Higher Education in Kazakhstan : Critical Discourse Analysis”
    • Discussants :
      Antonio Magalhães
      Anna Medvedeva
  • 9:30-10:30 : Carmen Corona-Sobrino, CSIC and Polytechnic Univ. of Valencia, Spain, “The institutionalization of the evaluation research in Spain : Analysis of the impact in knowledge production practices”
    • Discussants :
      Georg Krücken
      Aline Waltzing

Coffee Break

Session 4. Hybridity in academic work and careers

  • 11:00-12:00 : Marie David, Univ. Nantes, France, “Dissemination of a pedagogical convention at the university and blurring of disciplinary boundaries”
    • Discussants :
      Gaële Goastellec
      Sofya Kopelyan
  • 12:00-13:00 : Taru Siekkinen, Univ. of Jyväskylä, Finland, “Changes and Continuities in Academic Career Structures – Finnish universities as a living lab”

Lunch Break

Session 5. Questioning identity and change in higher education

  • 14:30-15:30 : Carlos Azevedo, The Open University, UK, “An Exploration of Students Experiences and Identities within the Managerialised University”
    • Discussants :
      Svein Michelsen
      Marie David
  • 15:30-16:30 : Michael Hannon, Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology, Ireland, “Exploring the role of Institutional Identity in the process of re-designating Institutes of Technology (IoTs) as Technological Universities”
    • Discussants :
      Georg Krücken
      Hanne Kvilhaugsvik
  • 16:30-17:30 : Aline Waltzing, EHESS, France, “‘Autonomy and quality’ ? Changing identities of the Dutch universities’ association, 1985-2004”
    • Discussants :
      Christine Musselin
      Altynay Mustafina


Session 6. Internationalization and institutional boundaries in higher education

  • 9:00-10:00 : Teele Tõnismann, Sciences Po Toulouse, France and Tallinn Univ. of Technology, Estonia, “Internationalization of SSH and the interplay between different “contexts” –sociology in the Baltics”
    • Discussants :
      Gaële Goastellec
      Carmen Corona-Sobrino
  • 10:00-11:00 : Théotime Chabre, Aix-Marseille Univ. and Sciences Po, France, “Internationalisation in a context of non-recognition : the case of the Higher Education field in Northern Cyprus”
    • Discussants :
      Pauline Ravinet
      Gabriel Idalgo

Télécharger le programme (pdf)

Comité d’organisation / Organizing Committee

Julien Barrier, Triangle, CNRS/ENS Lyon
Emmanuelle Picard, Triangle, CNRS/ENS Lyon
Pauline Ravinet, CERAPS, CNRS/University of Lille

Comité scientifique / Scientific Committee

Vincent Carpentier, University College London
Gaële Goastellec, University of Lausanne
Georg Krücken, University of Kassel
Antonio Magalhães, University of Porto
Svein Michelsen, University of Bergen
Christine Musselin, CNRS & Sciences Po
Pedro Teixeira, University of Porto
Susan Wright, Aarhus University

Contact and information
