« Researching the United Nations and Other International Organizations (RUN2018) : Rethinking Methods of Investigation »
18 juin 2018 : 00h00 - 7 septembre 2017 : 17h31
à l’Université de Genève, site Uni Mail
Rethinking Methods of Investigation
In 2017, multilateral organizations such as the United Nations have been under public scrutiny and political pressure at several occasions. Soon after his inauguration, Donald Trump and his administration suggested a 40% cut in United States funding toward international organizations. Since January, the new Secretary General of the United Nations, António Guterres, has been promising a global reform of the system to address the multiple criticisms targeting the organization.
These issues of efficiency and legitimacy are among the number of topics scholars from different disciplines and different academic traditions have been studying for a few decades. Research in political science and international relations, history, law, sociology or anthropology have shed light on multiple dimensions of multilateral practices. New topics are constantly emerging and scholars have been discussing new methods to investigate international organizations.
This workshop intends to develop these discussions by focusing on an overlooked aspect in these recent developments : the methods used to research the United Nations. A two day workshop at the University of Geneva will provide a venue to discuss the relevance and the concrete application of different methods to study
Informations détaillées sur le site RUN2018
Les panels sont à participation restreinte, les 2 tables-rondes sont publiques :
- Beyond Disciplinary Boundaries (lundi 18 juin, 18h, auditorium MS)
chaired by Sandra LAVENEX
with :- Laëtitia ATLANI-DUAULT
- Birgit MÜLLER
- Davide RODOGNO
- Taming Time (mardi 19 juin, 18h, auditorium MS)
chaired by Mathilde BOURRIER
with :- Irène BELLIER
- Sandrine KOTT
- Ronald NIEZEN
- Thomas WEISS
Comité d’organisation
- Fanny Badache, UNIL
- Emilie Dairon, IEP Lyon-Triangle
- Leah R. Kimber, UNIGE
- Lucile Maertens, UNIL-Sciences Po/CERI