International Research Laboratory (LIA) CNRS-ENS Lyon/CASS Workshop - Doing fieldwork and crossed practices in Post-Western Sociology (1) : " Urban Communauties and « Right to the City »"
18 juillet 2016 Room R 253, ENS Lyon (site Descartes)
International Research Laboratory (LIA) CNRS-ENS Lyon – CASS “Post-Western Sociologies in China and in France”
- Organizer : CNRS, Ecole Normale Supérieure of Lyon, Triangle
- Co-Organizer : CASS, Institute of Sociology, Beijing
July the 18 : Presentation of Ph.Students and Doing Fieldwork
- 9h-9h30 : Introduction by Professor Laurence Roulleau-Berger, Research Director at CNRS, Triangle and Professor He Rong, Insitute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (Beijing)
- 9h30-11h30 : Presentation of Ph.D.Students topics.
- 9h30-9h50 : Marion Lang, PhD student in Political Sciences, Jean Monnet de Saint Etienne, Triangle UMR 5206
Title : Participatory democracy and social inequalities in low-income neighborhoods. A comparison between France (Marseilles) and Spain (Barcelona)
Abstract : Participatory democracy has been a new imperative for public policies especially urban ones and questions the relationship of citizens to political power and public sphere. Because of their lack of economic resources and mobility and also since public institutions play a great role in their condition of living inhabitants from working-class neighborhood are privileged targets of participatory democracy. This thesis aims at understanding the possibilities of empowerment thanks to participation understood both as institutional processes and social movements. Through a comparison between the citizen mobilization and participatory processes in two neighborhoods of Marseilles and Barcelona, I wish to show to what conditions can participation overtake inequalities and transform power relations between social groups. Through an intersectional analysis, I look at these inequalities as made of class, ethnic and gender characteristics.
- 9h50-10h10 : Su Liang, PhD Student in sociology, Shanghai University
Title : Unconscious unfair right in city and experience from Shanghai
Abstract : In China, outsiders are difficult to enjoy equal rights as the locals because of the hukou policy, especially in the basic education period that plays a significant role in one’s life. However, for the outsiders, almost of them are unconscious of such unfair institution, which will produce continuous influence during one’s career life, and also can be treat as one element of creating “thriving self”. In this paper, we will analysis why the unfair right is unconscious by the outsiders.
- 10h10-10h30 : Henri Briche, PhD student in Political Sciences, Jean Monnet de Saint Etienne, Triangle UMR 5206
Title : Residential Mobilities of Low-Income Minorities in Deindustrialized Urban Contexts.
The Case of Detroit (USA) and Saint-Etienne (France)
Abstract : This presentation will address 4 different topics and how I have been analyzing them in relation to “urban communities” and “the right to the city” in my own research. First, I’ll show how the process of deindustrialization in both cities has been driven by similar logics –albeit different urban contexts- and has resulted in longstanding depopulation and evasion of capital. Second, I’ll turn to the question of housing policy : while it is one of the core elements of Saint-Etienne political agenda, housing policy in Detroit has not an autonomous life per se. Indeed, the local private sector drives the entire construction and, occasionally, gets public subsidies from the Detroit city council. It results in fragmented and un-governed housing initiatives. Third, I look at residential mobilities as an effect of such housing policies/initiatives in both cities. Focusing on low-income minorities, I’ll show that even if they move a lot, their “contextual mobility” is very low. Nevertheless, some differences between these ethnic groups are pointed out. Finally, I investigate how those minorities experience their residential trajectory and in which way they carry out alternative strategies to bypass these residential constraints. To do so, I take ethnicity as an analytic tool to interpret how people make sense of their residential situation.
- 10h30-10h50 : Marie Bellot, PhD student in sociology, Université Lumière Lyon 2, Triangle UMR 5206
Title : Cultural, cosmopolitan aspirations and the production of symbolical social and physical spaces
Abstract : The coming to Beijing specifically, or to other majors Chinese cities also, is for young graduates in China the opportunity to access plural professional opportunities ; possibility that is put together for some of them with aspirations to access some forms of culture and cosmopolitanism that is proper to those big cities. However, their conditions of work and life in these early years of entry into the labor market may not allow access to these forms of culture and cosmopolitanism occupying physical and social spaces that are relatively central. Some of them then engage in "youth spaces", markers of their registration in these urban worlds, and produce thus symbolic social and physical spaces, whose arrangement and aesthetics are involved in this symbolic production and emphasizing shared aspirations.
- 10h50-11h10 : Verena Richardier, PhD student in Sociology, ENS, Triangle UMR 5206
Title : Shifting of humanitarian action : a look inside care borders, from China to Mali.
Abstract : Humanitarian action is driven by emergency injunction. Needs have to be fulfill, and even the so called “development action” is designed to answer to the most crucial needs. Humanitarian action is divided between different actors from needs analysis to the design of the action and its implementation. This division is following the four “care phases” as described by Joan Tronto. Some actors are far from the action but have an important power to decide how and when intervention should be taken while others try their best to use and take advantage of the project while being unable to change its course. I will describe how competition, cooperation and strategies are deployed by humanitarian workers from China to Mali to move these borders which are also embedded in each country situation.
- 11h-30-12h30 : Discussion and comments
- 12h30-13h30 : lunch
- 14h30-18h : Fieldwork in Saint-‐Etienne with Professor Valérie Sala Pala, Director of the department of Political and Territorial Studies, University Jean Monnet de Saint Etienne, Triangle
Tuesday July the 19 : Doing Fieldwork
- 14h-16h : Fieldwork in La Duchère : Meeting with actors of the « Grand Projet de Lyon » (Urban Policy)
- 17h‐19h : Fieldwork La Guillotière : Visit of a French gentrified and multiethnic neighboorhood
Wednesday July the 20 : Urban communauties and « right to the City »
- 9h30-‐12h : Round Table : Crossed perspectives on fieldwork :
What makes urban communauties : integration or/and desaffiliation ?" with He Rong, Guillaume Faburel, Valérie Sala Pala, Laurence Roulleau-Berger and Nancy Venel, Ph.D.Students and Master 2
- 13h30‐17h : Communications
- 14h-14h45 : Guillaume Faburel, Professor of Urban Studies, Lyon 2 University, Triangle :
Urban government and social justice
- 14h45-15h30 : Nancy Venel, Assistant Professor of political sciences and sociology, Lyon 2 University, Triangle : Where are the immigrants ? The paradoxal consideration of immigrants memories in a cultural institution. Case Study of the Rize in Villleurbanne
- 15h30-16h15 : discussion
- 16h15-‐17h00 : Preparation of next LIA’s Scientific life Events