/ Archives : colloques et journées d’études 2005 - 2016

International Associated Laboratory (LIA) CNRS/ENS Lyon Workshop organized by L. Roulleau-Berger : « Economic Sociologies in France and in China : crossed perspectives »

11 décembre 2014, 9:30 am - 6:00 pm, salle 253, ENS de Lyon, 15, parvis René Descartes 69007


Workshop organized by Laurence Roulleau-Berger’s International Associated Laboratory (LIA) CNRS/ENS Lyon- Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (Peking) Post-Western Sociologies in France and in China, Triangle.


  • 9:30 am- 10:15 am : Introduction by Laurence Roulleau-Berger, Research Director at National Center of Scientific Research, Co-Director of the LIA, Triangle : Economic Sociologies in France and in China : crossed perspectives
    Although, initially, American influences played a major role in their construction, the new French and Chinese economic sociologies have progressively attained autonomy and elaborated situated knowledge. In both China and France, the boundaries of economic sociology have been traced according to specific scientific trajectories, a diversity of positions and terrain-based science. They define “specific” and “shared” theoretical and methodological spaces. As the product of pioneering academic research, this workshop offers an innovative intersecting approach to French and Chinese economic sociologies.
    Laurence Roulleau-Berger is sociologist, Research Director at CNRS, Triangle, ENS de Lyon, Co-director of the LIA with Li Peilin. She was visiting Scholar in University of Berkeley, at Institute of Sociology, CASS (Beijing), visiting Professor at University of Lausanne and Beijing University. She has done comparative research in Europe and in China in urban sociology, economic sociology and sociology of migration. Since 2006 with Chinese sociologists she is involved in a epistemological way on “Post-Western sociology”. Her works have seen numerous articles and books. Selected books : Youth and work in the Post-Industrial City of North America and Europe, Roulleau-Berger, L. (ed) Brill Publishers, 2003- Gender and Migration, PUF, 2010 - Dewesternization of Sociology. Europe in the mirror of China, L’Aube, 2011- with Li Peilin European and Chinese Sociologies. A New Dialogue, Brill Publishers, 2012 - Sociologies and methodological cosmopolitism, PUM, 2012- with Li Peilin Internal and international Migration, Routledge Publishers, 2013. She is editor-in Chief of the Serie Post-Western Social Sciences, Brill Publishers, editor-in chief of the Serie From Orient to Occident , ENS Publishers.
  • 10:15 am-11:00 am : Wu Yongping, Professor at University of Tsinghua (Peking) : Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics ?
    In the past 35 years, China has used market mechanism to develop the economy. Furthermore, the government claims that its goal is to establish a socialist market economy. Meanwhile, it rejects capitalism. The question raised here is “What is capitalism” ? If market economy is not capitalism, then what is capitalism ? Answers to this question remain volatile and vague. Similarly, the notion of socialism is becoming more blurred in the official language. It is asserted that socialism can co-exist with market economy. However, in many observers’ eyes, China is assuredly a capitalist country. Given the situation, there is a need for discussion about the notion of capitalism. Is it Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, or Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics ?
    Yongping Wu is professor and associate dean at the School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University. He received a BA and a MA degree from Beijing (Peking) University and a Ph. D. from Leiden University, the Netherlands. He was an assistant professor at the Department of History at Peking University and a post doctoral fellow at the John Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University before joining Tsinghua. He is the founding editor for the journal of China Public Administration Review. Wu’s research interests include state and market relations in China, industrial policy, the political economy of China’s development, SOEs and China’s development, Taiwan’s political economy, and cross-strait relations. Last publications : A Political Explanation of Economic Growth : State Survival, Bureaucratic Politics, and Private Enterprise in the Making of Taiwan’s Economy, 1950-1985. Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 2005- Rent Seeking and China’s Industrial Development (co-edited with Tak-Wing Ngo), Beijing : Commercial Press, 2010- Rent Seeking in China (co-edited with Tak-Wing Ngo), London and New York : Routledge, 2009.
  • 11:00 am-11:15 am : break
  • 11:15 am-12:00 am : Eric Verdier, Research Director at National Center of Scientific Research , Institute of Labour Economics and Industrial Sociology (LEST) : Re-scaling of public policies and politics of numbers : the case of vocational training
    By analysing the decentralization of French vocational training policies, we attempt to show that this process of change concerns common challenges with the new policy making in China, beyond very different societal contexts : Which new relationships and rules of game between national authorities and local governments in order to achieve greater efficiency and legitimacy ? Which configuration of private and public actors are dealing at different levels of policy making ? Which knowledge tools – such as statistics - are used to develop new public policies ?
    Sociologist and economist, Eric Verdier is Research Director at the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), Institute of Labour Economics and Industrial Sociology (LEST), Aix-Marseille University. His main areas of research are devoted to sociology of work and vocational education and analysis of employment public policies. Last publications : Les politiques de la mesure. L’analyse comparée des indicateurs dans la conduite de l’action régionale, avec Elvire Bornand et Martine Mespoulet, Paris, Karthala, 2012 ; « Le garagiste, le restaurateur et la directive : les petites entreprises face à l’obligation d’évaluer les risques professionnels », avec Cathel Kornig, et « La gouvernance de la santé au travail : la dialogue social recadré par le paradigme épidémiologique », Risques du travail, la santé négociée, Catherine Courtet et Michel Gollac éd., Paris, La Découverte, 2012 ; « Entre travail politique et action administrative : constitution et régulation des directions générales des services des Régions », avec Sébastien Gardon, Formation Emploi, no 121, 2013 ; Hiérarchies des savoirs et concurrences institutionnelles : la régulation des cartes régionales des formations professionnelles initiales, Revue française de pédagogie, 2013/1, n°182
  • 12:00 am-12:45 am : Discussion by Rebecca Gomez-Betancourt, Assistant Professor of Economy, HDR, University of Lyon 2 : Convergences and divergences in Economic Sociologies in France and in China
  • 1 : 00 am-2:15 pm : lunch
  • 2:30 pm – 3:15 pm : Céline Cholez, Assistant professor and Pascale Trompette CNRS Research Director at the PACTE (Politics - Organizations Department)laboratory at the University of Grenoble, France : Trust and mercantile networks at the heart of informal economy.
    The everyday life of markets is constantly challenged by disruptions, uncertainties, unexpected outcome, which are most often diffused and invisible. The communication willcome back to the literature in sociology of markets which addresses ‘trust’ as one of the main social mechanism supporting market uncertainties. By drawing upon the case of small-scale trading networks in African informal economies(Madagascar), we analyse the way people engage in uncertain transactions and deal with the risk of indeterminate economic exchanges. We therefore characterize the autonomous organization of micro-entrepreneurs as “economic circuits” based on the association of privileged partners, with a capacity to constantly restore the ‘equilibrium of cooperation’ (Quéré, 2006) in which participants are engaged.
    Céline Cholez is an assistant professor at the Grenoble Institute of Technology and at the PACTE (Politics - Organizations Department)laboratory at the University of Grenoble, France. She works in the area of sociology of work and theory of organization. She is interested in the management of disruptions and unforeseen degradations of expected acting conditions. Her most recent publications have appeared in Recherches Qualitatives and Management.
    Pascale Trompette is a sociologist and CNRS Research Director at the PACTE (Politics - Organizations Department)laboratory at the University of Grenoble, France. She works in the area of economic sociology, sociology of markets and sociology of innnovation. Her research revolves around market-based solutions for public and social concerns. Her most recent publications in English have appeared in Journal of Cultural Economy and European Electronic Newsletter of Economic Sociology.
  • 3:15 pm- 4:00 pm : Isabelle Hillenkamp, Research Fellow at IRD, CESSMA (UMR 245, Associated to Triangle : Reals markets and fantasized market. Lessons from Bolivia
    Ignoring literature from different streams in socioeconomics, the concept of market as a universal mechanism operating in the same manner at any time and anywhere, is experiencing a comeback in some academic work that has been acclaimed by French press. Against exploitation that would be typical of the "informal sector" and other forms of domination nestling in "traditional" social relations, "the" market would offer the only path to modernity, allowing the liberation of the poor, particularly the women, and the coming of a new "world democracy".
    Without ignoring the emancipatory potential of markets, but rejecting here the use of this term in singular and the formal / informal and tradition / modernity dichotomies, this communication advocates for an analysis of the plurality of markets and principles of economic integration in a democratic horizon. Based on field research in Bolivia, it asks under which conditions the markets offer space for autonomy supporting entrepreneurship and income generation for different social groups. Moving in this direction entails recognizing the plurality of social subjects in the popular world, when the categorization as "poor", "women" or "indigenous" is utterly absurd ; characterizing and distinguishing the markets based on the historical conditions, social relations and cultural meanings in which they are embedded ; and examining the individual and collective conditions of integration into these markets.
    Isabelle Hillenkamp holds a PhD in Development Studies from the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva. Based on field studies in Bolivia and Brazil, her research focuses on popular and solidarity economy addressed from a socio-economic perspective. Close attention is paid to the connection between economic practice and the social relations of production and gender. She is researcher at IRD-CESSMA (UMR 245, Paris) and associate researcher at TRIANGLE (UMR 5206, Lyon). Recent books : Comprendre le marché autrement. Marchés réels et marché fantasmé, Hillenkamp I. et J.M. Servet (dir.), Paris, Classiques Garnier, à paraitre en 2015- L’économie solidaire en Bolivie. Entre marché et démocratie, Paris, Genève, Karthala, GIP, coll. DéveloppementS, 2013 (trad. española : La economía solidaria en Bolivia. Entre mercado y democracia, La Paz, CIDES/Plural editores/IRD, 2014)- Securing livelihoods : Informal Economy Practices and Institutions, Hillenkamp I., F. Lapeyre et A. Lemaitre (dir.), Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2013.
  • 4:00 pm-4:45 pm : Fang Yi, Ph. D. Student, Paris School of International Affairs, Sciences Po., Paris, France : The Logic of Market Economy Building in Changing China : an Explanation on the Development of China’s Private Hospitals Founded by Putian Entrepreneurs
    This paper attempts to analyze the development of China’s private hospitals founded by Putian entrepreneurs whose internal structure has a conspicuous regional feature in healthcare sector ; reveal the unique growth path of local private healthcare institutions since the reform and opening up of China ; and further build a logical explanation around the concept of market economy that is in line with the market economy context in transitional China. The paper also intends to illustrate the changes in China’s political economy generates the market of private healthcare, and in which private hospitals founded by Putian entrepreneurs are able to obtain living space ; meanwhile, the absence of modern state combined with the social foundation which private sector rely on accelerate aforementioned process. The inspiration of the above is that the logic of market economy building in changing China is neither a spontaneous process, nor is it the result of government intervention ; it is a complex one which has a special social foundation and being dominated by the dynamic interaction of the government and market.
    Fang Yi, Ph. D. Student, Paris School of International Affairs, Sciences Po., Paris, France has recently pusblihed : Analysis on the effectiveness of China’s industrial policy and its dominants, Guizhou Social Sciences, volume 5. 2014- Thoughts on the innovative governance of Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Zone,Southeast Academic Research, volume 2. 2014- A book review on Evaluating Public Policy by Frank Fischer, China Public Administration Review, volume 2, 2013- Thoughts on changes of the context of resolving disputes (co-author), Beijing
  • 4:45 pm -5:15 pm : discussion by : Wu Yongping, Professor at University of Tsinghua (Peking)
  • 5:15 pm-5:30 pm : Conclusion by Laurence Roulleau-Berger, Research Director at National Center of Scientific Research, Co-Director of the LIA, Triangle
  • 5:30-6:00 pm : Presentation and Signature of the book with ENS Publishers
    Laurence Roulleau-Berger and Liu Shiding (dir), 2014, French and Chinese Economic Sociologies : a crossed perspective, ENS Publishers
/ Archives : colloques et journées d’études 2005 - 2016