Isabelle Guérin présente son ouvrage The Indebted woman. Kinship, sexuality and capitalism
26 mars 2024 : 14h00 - 16h00
à l’ENS de Lyon, site Descartes, salle D4.260
Isabelle Guérin est socio-économiste, directrice de recherche à l’IRD, membre du Centre d’études en sciences sociales sur les mondes africains, américains et asiatiques (CESSMA).
Son livre The Indebted woman. Kinship, sexuality and capitalism, co-écrit avec Santosh Kumar et G. Venkatasubramanian est paru chez Stanford University Press en 2023.
Women, and particularly poor women, have become essential cogs in the wheel of financialized capitalism. Globally, women are responsible for managing household debt, and that debt has exploded over the last decade, reaching an all-time high after the COVID-19 pandemic. Across various categories of loans, including subprime lending, microcredit policies, and consumer loans, as well as rent and utilities, women are overrepresented as clients and managers, and are being enfolded into the system. The Indebted Woman discusses the crucial yet invisible roles poor women play in making and consolidating debt and credit markets.
(extrait de la présentation de l’éditeur)