Véronique Dutraive participe au séminaire du GREDEG
15 juin 2023 : 14h00 - 15h30
à l’Université Côte-d’Azur, Sophia-Antipolis
Véronique Dutraive, professeure de sciences économiques à l’Université Lumière Lyon-2, chercheuse à Triangle, a présenté une communication intitulée :
« The Theory of Conspicuous Consumption in Behavioral Economics ».
This study examines the reception of the concept of Conspicuous consumption developed in The Theory of the Leisure Class (Veblen, 1899) in the field of contemporary behavioral economics and new microeconomics. The paper makes a distinction between two types of reception. The first emphasises conspicuous consumption in considering interdependent individuals’ preferences and looks at the consequences of envy-driven behaviours. A second type of researches based on evolutionary microeconomics capture the dynamic processes arising from analysis of the negative social effects of conspicuous consumption and explore its consequences on working time through a contemporary lens.