/ Colloques - journées d’étude

International Conference : « Power and Knowledge from the 18th century to today »

24 novembre 2022, à l’Université de Lorraine, Nancy



12:45 Registration

13:15 Introduction – Stéphane Guy (room G04)

13:45 Parallel Sessions :
Intellectuals and academics in the public space (I)
room A104 – Chair : Colin Tyler

  • Kjetil Ansgar Jakobsen (Nord Universitet, Norway)
    Changing the World with ‘Centres of Happiness’ : Gabriel Tarde, Henri Bergson and Albert Kahn
  • Ewa Bińczyk (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland)
    The Critical Role of Academia in the Anthropocene
  • Farouk Lamine (Université d’Angers, France)
    On the danger of ideology : Orwell’s criticism of the English left-wing intellectuals.

The Challenge of Complexity in the democratic age
room G04 – Chair : Peterson Nnajiofor

  • Ceyhun Gürkan (Ankara University, Turkey)
    Economics and Power in a New Light with Foucault and Beyond (online)
  • Edmund Neill (New College of the Humanities at Northeastern University, London, UK)
    Power and Knowledge in British Conservatism since the 1980s (online)
  • Marlyse Pouchol (Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, et Laboratoire Clersé, Université de Lille, France)
    Arendt et Hayek, deux sortes d’opposition au mythe de la caverne

15:15 Coffee Break

15:35 Keynote (room G04)
Chair : Françoise Orazi
Claude Gautier (ENS de Lyon, France)
Retour sur une controverse à propos de la neutralité axiologique des sciences humaines et défense du pluralisme

16:50 Parallel Sessions
Intellectuals and academics in the public space (II)
room A104 – Chair : Pauline Collombier

  • Camille Martinerie (Aix-Marseille Université, France)
    Power, Knowledge and the White Left in South Africa : Re-Examining the Role of Radical Academics in the Liberation Struggle through a Case Study in Historical Studies (1960-1990)
  • Kathy Luckett (University of Cape Town, South Africa)
    Contestations over Power/Knowledge in a (Post-) Colonial Society : the Clash between Education Development and the Rhodes Must Fall Movement at the University of Cape Town (2015-2016)
  • Nadine André (Université Grenoble Alpes, France)
    La figure de l’expert dans la politique afghane des autorités britanniques dans les années 1830-1850 (online)

Ideologies of progress and the battlefield of history
room G04 – Chair : Arnaud Page

  • Iason Zarikos (National University of Athens, Greece)
    Immobilized Knowledge : on History and Power as Time Runs Out
  • Rebeca Gomez Betancourt (Université Lumière Lyon 2, France) and Guillaume Valet (Université Grenoble-Alpes, France)
    How to Promote the Common Good through a New “Business Ethics” : The Contribution of Charlotte Perkins Gilman (online)
  • Aude Attuel (Centre d’Histoire du XIXe siècle | Sorbonne Université/Panthéon
    Sorbonne & CRICES | Institut Catholique d’Etudes Supérieures (ICES))
    Lord Acton et le dogme de l’Infaillibilité Pontificale : La fin de l’histoire ?

Thursday evening dinner for all participants (included in registration fee) at Grand Café Foy at 1 Place Stanislas, starting at 19:30


9:00 Plenary Session – room G04
Citizenship, knowledge and liberalism
Chair : Stéphane Guy

  • Stamatoula Panagakou (University of Cyprus)
    Knowledge and the Good Life : R. B. Haldane on Ethical Citizenship, the Common Good and the Rôle of Education
  • Colin Tyler (University of Hull, UK)
    Knowledge and Power in a Civic Democracy : British Idealist and New Liberal Critiques of J.S. Mill and Herbert Spencer
  • Alessandro Dividus (University of Pisa, Italy)
    The League of Learning Project : H. Jones’ Reflections on the Relationship between Knowledge, Power and State
  • Janusz Grygieńć (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland) :
    Experts, Laypeople and the Survival of Liberal Democracy

10:50 Coffee Break

11:10 Plenary Session – room G04
Struggles for knowledge and freedom
Chair : Rafal Soborski

  • Samuel Harrison (University of Cambridge, UK)
    Citizenship as a ‘Technology of Government’ in Revolutionary France
  • Françoise Orazi (Université Lumière Lyon- 2, France)
    The Theoretical Knowledge behind Identity Politics : a Criticism of Power
  • Cyril Hédoin (Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, France)
    Liberal Perfectionism and Epistocracy

12:30 Lunch Break in room A015 (ground floor, A block | included in registration fee)

13:45 Keynote (room G04)
Chair : Stéphane Guy
Duncan Kelly (Cambridge University, UK)
Wartime for the Planet ?

15:00 Parallel Sessions
The politics of education I – room A104
Chair : John-Erik Hansson

  • Richard Somerset (Université de Lorraine, France)
    The Second Reform Act and Curricular Innovation : the ‘Content of Culture’ Debate
  • Pauline Collombier (Université de Strasbourg, France)
    Linking Irish Home Rule, Education and Democracy : John Francis Maguire (1815-1872) and his Novel The Next Generation (1871)
  • Anneliese Ng (University of Hong Kong)
    The Power of “The Best Knowledge” : Constituting State Citizens in Matthew Arnold’s Culture and Anarchy (online)

Populism vs elitism – room G04
Chair : Cyril Hédoin

  • Aymen Boughanmi (University of Kairouan, Tunisia)
    Democratization as a Threat to Democracy : the Epistemological Challenges
  • Giuseppe Ballaci (University of Minho, Portugal) and Jan Biba (Charles University, Czech Republic)
    Populism and Technocracy : An Uneasy Alliance
  • Roger Bautier (Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, France)
    La maîtrise problématique du langage et de la communication au sein de l’espace public

16:20 Coffee Break

16:40 Parallel Sessions
Economic epistemology and institutionalizing economic knowledge
room A 104
Chair : Jean-Daniel Boyer

  • Francesco Sergi (Université Paris Est Créteil, France) and Aurélien Goutsmedt (UCLouvain, Belgique)
    The Different Paths of Scientization at the Bank of England
  • Myriam Boussahba-Bravard (Université Le Havre Normandie, France)
    Emerging Gendered Knowledge Desperately Seeking Acknowledgement

Party politics and the uses of knowledge
room G04
Chair : Peterson Nnajiofor

  • Bianca Polo del Vecchio (Université de Strasbourg, France)
    Following the Leaders ? Parties’ Influence over their Supporters at the Brexit Referendum
  • Dimitris Dimitriou (Université Lumière Lyon-2, France)
    A New Form of Mass Surveillance ? NHS Personal Data Policy and the Prediction of Human Behaviour (online)
  • Raphaël Ramos (Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3)
    Renseignement stratégique et pouvoir politique aux Etats-Unis depuis 1947 : de la marginalisation à la politisation


9:30 Keynote (room A233b)
Chair : Colin Tyler
Ben Jackson (Oxford University, UK)
How important was Knowledge Production to the Rise of Neoliberalism ? (online)

10:45 Coffee Break

11:05 Plenary Session – room A233b
The politicisation of science
Chair : Richard Somerset

  • Carla Larouco Gomes (University of Lisbon, Portugal)
    ‘Scientifically Grounded’ or how Contesting Ideologies Resorted to Scientific Knowledge for Vindication in Victorian England
  • Jean-Michel Yvard (Université d’Angers, France)
    From Social Darwinism to Eugenics : Political and Ideological Uses of Biological Science in Great-Britain in the Victorian Period
  • Arnaud Page (Sorbonne Université, France)
    Sustaining Power ? Edward Smith and Dietaries in British Workhouses and Prisons (1860s)

12:25 Lunch Break in room A015
(ground floor, A block | included in registration fee)

13.40 Parallel Session
The politicisation of education II
A235a – Chair : Vanessa Boullet

  • John-Erik Hansson (Université Paris Cité, France)
    Radicalising Children’s Education in the Romantic Period : William Godwin’s Pedagogical Theory and Practice
  • Pushpa Kumbhat (Newman University, Birmingham, UK)
    Whose knowledge ? Whose power ? Whose democracy ?
    Adult Education and the Changing Political Balance of Class Power in Britain (1900 – 1923)
  • Svorad Zavarský (Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia)
    University, Knowledge and Power in the Early Eighteenth-Century Kingdom of Hungary

Fundamental principles of political economy
room A233b – Chair : Ecem Okan

  • Roberto Rossi (Università degli Studi di Salerno, Italy)
    Enlightenment and Capitalism : Technocratic Models and Practices between Spain and the New World in the 18th Century (online)
  • Aris della Fontana (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Italy 1 Université de
    Lausanne, Switzerland)
    The Power of “Useful Truths” : Political Economy and the Reshaping of Political Debate in Enlightenment Venice (1765–1797)
  • Jean-Daniel Boyer (Université de Strasbourg, France)
    Governing interests and transforming France into a commercial power - the strategies of Vincent de Gournay and his circle to reform the economy of the kingdom of France (1751-1758)

15.00 Conclusion – room A233b

15.45 Guided tour – Art Nouveau in Nancy

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Organising committee / Comité organisateur

  • Vanessa Boullet (Université de Lorraine)
  • Pauline Collombier (Université de Strasbourg)
  • Stéphane Guy (Université de Lorraine)
  • Linda Mathlouthi (Université de Lorraine)
  • Alice Monter (Université de Lorraine)
  • Peterson Nnajiofor (Université de Lorraine)
  • Ecem Okan (Université de Lorraine)
  • Françoise Orazi (Université Lumière Lyon 2)
  • Matthew Smith (Université de Lorraine)
  • Rafal Soborski (Richmond : The American International University in London, UK)
  • Colin Tyler (University of Hull, UK)
/ Colloques - journées d’étude