IAL (International Advanced Laboratory, ENS Lyon / Académie des Sciences Sociales de Chine : Post-Western Sociology in Europe and in China) Workshop : « The fabric of the Post-Western Theory and Sociology of Migration : concepts, methods, fieldwork »
15 décembre 2021 : 08h15 - 17h00
à l’ENS de Lyon, site Descartes, salle D4.260
Host organizer
- Triangle, CNRS, ENS Lyon
Partners :
- Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (Peking)
- School of Sociology and Political Science(SSPS), Shanghai University
The event follows the publication of the collective book Sociology of Migration and Post-Western Theory (Laurence Roulleau-Berger, Liu Yuzhao, eds. 2021, Lyon, ENS Editions).
The contributors of the book will briefly present their chapter and discuss common and local knowledge between China and Europe in relation with migration studies.
8:15-8:45 : Opening Ceremony and Introduction
- Professor Laurence Roulleau-Berger, CNRS Research Director, Triangle, and French Director of the IAL ENS Lyon/CASS.
- Professor Liu Yuzhao, School of Sociology and Political Science (SSPS), Director of Institute of Economic Sociology & Multinationals (IESM), Shanghai University.
Session 1 : Migration and Education
Chair : Professor Liu Shiding, Researcher at the Center for Social Research, Peking University, Chair Professor at Zhejiang University.
- 8:45-9:05 : 1. Pathways in School and Biographical Turning Points : The Role of Stigma and Discrimination in France 2.School Pathways of Young Rural Migrants in China : The Nexus Between Social Context and Aspirations.
Ingrid Tucci, CNRS Researcher Fellow, Institute for Economics and Industrial Sociology (LEST), Aix en Provence.
- 9:05-9:20 School and Reproduction of Migrant Workers in a Chinese Megalopolis
Doctor Li Yong, Associated Researcher, Triangle, ENS Lyon.
- 9:20-9:35 : Academic Vulnerability in China : Why Are Youngsters from the Bottom of the Social Strata More Likely to Fail in School ?
Professor Xiong Yihan, School of International Relations & Public Affairs, Fudan University.
- 9:35-9:55 : 1. Another Possibility for Furthering the Education of Migrant Children : The Adult Education System in China 2. Low Standards of Education, Stigmatized Community, and Inequality in Daily Communication in France
Doctor Su Liang, assistant professor, Department of Sociology, Hangzhou Dianzi University.
- 9:55-10:15 : Discussion
Session 2 : Migration and Work
Chair : Yan Jun, Associate Professor of Sociology and co-Director of the Institute of Economic Sociology & Multinationals (IESM) at Shanghai University.
- 10:15-10:35 : 1.Compressed Modernity and Being a hero in Chinese Cities 2. Descendants of Immigrants, Subalternity and Work in French Cities.”
Professor Laurence Roulleau-Berger, CNRS Research Director, French Director of the IAL ENS Lyon/CASS, Triangle.
- 10:35-10:50 : Employment and Urbanization of New Immigrants in China
Professor Sun Zhongwei, School of Politics and Public Administration, South China Normal University.
Session 3 : Migration and Governance
Chair : Ingrid Tucci, CNRS Researcher Fellow, Institute for Economics and Industrial Sociology (LEST), Aix en Provence.
- 10:50-11:10 : The Local Governance of Service for migrant Children and Youth : Mitigating the Lack of Mobility and Navigating Internal Borders.”
Aude-Claire Fourot, Associate Professor of Political Science, Simon Fraser University.
- 11:10-11:30 : 1. Those Invisible Flowers : A Review of the Case of a Shanghai Educational NGO for Migrant Children 2. Immigration and ‘Governance’in France
Yan Jun, Associate Professor of Sociology and co-Director of the Institute of Economic Sociology & Multinationals (IESM) at Shanghai University.
- 11:30 -11:50 : 1. How Social Organizations Participate in Education of Migrant Children in China 2. The Boundary Between Immigrants and State Governance in France
Professor Liu Yuzhao, School of Sociology and Political Science (SSPS), director of Institute of Economic Sociology & Multinationals (IESM), Shanghai University.
- 11:50-12:30 : Discussion
12:30-13:30 : Lunch Break
Session 4 Migration, Gender and Family
Chair : Ahmed Boubeker, Professor of sociology, Jean Monnet University, Saint-Etienne, Deputy Director of the Centre Max Weber (Lyon).
- 13:30-13:50 : 1.The Permanent Migration in China 2. A Map of Otherness in France
Professor Abdelhafid Hammouche, University of Lille.
- 13:50-14:05 : Un-breaking Familiar and Affectional Bonds
Doctor Beatrice Zani, postdoctoral research fellow, East Asian Studies, McGill University.
- 14:05-14:20 : A Migrant Girl Coming of Age : A Zigzag Journey of Life in China
Professor Ji Yingchun, School of Sociology and Political Science, Shanghai University.
- 14:20-14:50 : 1. A Second-Generation Migrant Worker in China : Geographical Mobility and Social Immobility 2. The Mobility and Integration of a French Citizen Born to Immigrant Parents.
Doctor Chen Chen, Assistant Professor, Asian Demographic Research Institute, Shanghai University.
Session 5 Migrants Between Urban Integration and Segregation
Chair : Liu Yuzhao, Professor, School of Sociology and Political Science (SSPS), Director of Institute of Economic Sociology & Multinationals (IESM), Shanghai University.
- 14 :50-15 :20 : 1. Mobility and Chinese Migration in the Global City 2. Cross and Across the City in France
Professor Ahmed Boubeker, Jean Monnet University, Saint-Etienne, Deputy Director of the Centre Max Weber (Lyon).
- 15:20-15:50 : Mutual Molding between Structure and Individuali. The Story of a Grain of Dust and a Seed.
Professor Wang Chunguang, Deputy Director of the Institute of Sociology, director of the Social Policy Research Center, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
- 15:50 -16h15 : discussion
Synthesis : Post-Western Sociology : Common and Local Knowledge Between Europe and China
- 16 :15-16:35 : Rethinking the Social Dynamics of Migration in China
Professor Liu Shiding, Researcher at the Center for Social Research, Peking University, Chair Professor at Zhejiang University.
- 16:35-16:55 : Post-Western Theory : Common and Located Knowledge Between European and Chinese Sociologies”
Professor Laurence Roulleau-Berger, CNRS Research Director, French Director of the IAL ENS Lyon/CASS, Triangle.