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Audrey Vézian interviewée pour l’article « After vaccine failures, France laments biomedical decline »

Science - 21 avril 2021


On 25 January, as France’s third pandemic wave gathered force, Christophe d’Enfert, scientific director of the Pasteur Institute, appeared on national TV with a grim duty : explaining how the venerable institute, named after vaccine pioneer Louis Pasteur, had given up on its most advanced COVID-19 vaccine candidate. Around the same time, French drug giant Sanofi said its own contenders were delayed—and that it would cut hundreds of French jobs. Today, France remains the only nation on the U.N. Security Council without a viable vaccine. To d’Enfert, it “brings into question our capacity not only to do very high-level fundamental research, but also to transform this into innovation.”
The high-profile failures have cast a spotlight on the problems facing biomedicine in France. Although no one failure could have been predicted, the pattern “is not just bad luck,” says Audrey Vézian, a sociologist of biomedicine at CNRS, France’s national research center, in Lyon. “It shows that something isn’t working in our innovation process.” Some experts cite a squeeze in basic research funding and scarce venture capital. Vézian also blames a proliferation of bureaucratic organizations that waste resources and add confusion.

  • Audrey Vezian :

    Chargée de recherche au CNRS, section 40 (Politique, pouvoir, organisation)